About Ms. Solis

Phone: (210)356-3500


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A.in Education M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction Certified EC-6 Certified ESL

Ms. Solis

Hi there, 

I am the 6th grade ESL teacher, and this will be my first year as an Eisenhower General! I previously taught first grade for four years and have a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from The University of Texas at San Antonio. Currently, I am working towards a second Masters, which will be in School Librarianship from The University of North Texas!  When I am not at school, I spend my time with my beautiful daughters who will be Freshman this year!  I also love to read and watch all the shows.  I also love searching for new and yummy coffee places! I look forward to the start of the year and creating new classroom memories. It is my goal to work with students and their families to create a safe and loving learning environment where student success is evident. I am so excited for this new journey, and I'm honored to be a part of the IKE family! 

Class Schedule

  • Bell schedule