- Eisenhower Middle School
- Welcome
Phone: 210-901-8150
Degrees and Certifications:
Degrees: Texas A&M University - College Station - B.S. Community Health Education Texas A&M University - San Antonio - M.S. Reading Highly Qualified Certification: Science (6-12) Generalist (6-12) English as a Second Language (K-12)
Mrs. Molly John
Howdy! Welcome to 6th and 7th Grade Science! I am so happy you have landed in my class this year!
I have been teaching at Eisenhower Middle School since 2010!. This year I will be teaching 6th and 7th Grade Science.
6th Grade Science is about the physical world and how it works. We will cover a bit of physics, chemistry and ecology and end the year learning about microscopes. This is a foundational material where we are learning that scientific concepts explain the world around us.
7th grade Science is a journey to connect the living world. We begin with basic cell structures and functions and then spend the year applying this to our body systems and the living world around us. I LOVE teaching content that my students will use for the rest of their lives to take care of themselves and the world around them!
Should a parent or student have the need to reach me, the BEST way is via email - Mjohn5@neisd.net.
I use REMIND as a way to make announcements to parents and students. To join REMIND, send a text to 81010 using the appropriate code below in the message space:
for parents - - https://www.remind.com/join/7ikesci
Students WILL need a composition book or notebook EVERYDAY in class as well as general school supplies (binder, pens, pencils) that can be used in every class. Please help your students succeed by replenishing supplies throughout the year.
My family and I have made San Antonio home for 26 years. In that time, both of my children attended and graduated from NEISD schools. Riley, my oldest, attended Texas A&M graduating in 2014. He is currently a Civil Engineer living here in San Antonio with his beautiful wife, Kendall. My daughter, Megan, graduated from Texas A&M Galveston in the Spring of 2018 and is a photographer in Colorado living with her husband. My husband and I are empty nesters living with furry kids.
In the spirit of full disclosure - you should know that everyone in my house has graduated from A&M! We are Aggie fans. Folks in my class will know LOTS of random Aggie facts by the end of the year!
Class Announcements
- All Categories
- Unassigned
- Select Month
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- Select Year
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
- 2027
Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
There are no past due assignments.
Class Schedule
2022 - 2023 Schedule
Period Class Title
1st 7th Gr Science (8:25 - 9:13)
2nd 7th Gr Science (9:19 - 10:08)
3rd 7th Gr Science (10:12 - 10:58)
4th 7th Gr Science (11:02 - 11:48)
Lunch (11:50 - 12:20)
5th 6th Gr Science (12:24- - 1:10)
6th Conference (1:14 - 2:00)
7th 7th Gr Science (2:04 - 2:50)
8th 7th Gr Science (2:54 - 3:40)
2023 - 2024 Early Dismissal Days (School out at 1:25 pm)
August 29
September 13,14,26
October 31
January 24,25,30
February 27
March 26
May 30,31