- Eisenhower Middle School
- Welcome

Phone: 210-356-3500 ext. 551
Degrees and Certifications:
BS English Literature Minor Interdisciplinary Studies
Mrs. Courtney Stoops
Howdy! I was born and raised in San Antonio and decided to return to San Antonio after graduating from Texas A&M. This will be my 8th year teaching and my 6th year at Eisenhower. However, Eisenhower is home to me because I graduated from Ike in 2004 and then Churchill in 2008! I'm so excited to be back at my alma mater! This year I will be one of the Technology teachers; I teach A/V Tech (7th and 8th grade elective), Digital Communications (8th grade high school credit elective), Yearbook (7th and 8th grade elective), and Investigating Careers (6th grade elective). I will also be coaching girls and boys tennis this year. I'm looking forward to a great year of filled with tech adventures and learning! This will be a wonderful year!
Tutoring Times:
Tuesday: 7:50-8:15am
Wednesday: 7:50-8:15am
Thursday: 7:50-8:15am
Class Expectations:
- Students will keep their work station clean and tidy. The computer station should be left looking the same way it did when they arrived.
- No phones are allowed in the computer lab; all work can and will be completed using the desktops or on paper.
- No food, drinks, or gum allowed in the computer lab! Water bottles may be placed on the ground.
- (Yearbook & A/V Tech) Students will wear their badges anytime they are out of the class for interviews or anytime they are attending an event for class.
- (Yearbook, A/V Tech, & Digital Communications) Any cameras or equipment borrowed during class time must be returned to Coach Stoops in the same condition in which it was borrowed.
Class Schedule
8:25-9:13am 1st Period - Investigating Careers (6th grade)
9:17-10:08am 2nd Period - Yearbook (7th & 8th grade)
10:12-10:58am 3rd Period - A/V Tech (7th & 8th grade)
11:02-11:48am 4th Period - Digital Communications (8th grade)
11:52-12:38pm 5th Period - A/V Tech (8th grade)
12:40-1:10pm LUNCH
1:14-2:00pm 6th Period - Investigating Careers (6th grade)
2:04-2:50pm 7th Period - Planning
2:54-3:40pm 8th Period - A/V TEch (7th & 8th grade)