• This AP Biology course is modeled after College Board Standard Syllabus, 2373979v1.  It is designed to offer students a solid foundation in introductory college-level biology. By structuring the course around enduring understandings and science practices, I will assist you in developing an appreciation for the study of life through identifying and understanding unifying principles within a diversified biological world.

     What we know today about biology is a result of inquiry. Science is a way of knowing. Therefore, the process of inquiry in science and developing critical thinking skills is the most important part of this course.

     At the end of the course, students will have an awareness of the integration of other sciences in the study of biology, understand how the species to which we belong is similar to, yet different from, other species, and be knowledgeable and responsible citizens in understanding biological issues that could potentially impact their lives.


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    AP BIOLOGY - 2024-2025 Syllabus

  • APB Exam Countdown

    AP Biology is a challenging course and the exam is no different.  Therefore it is imperative that you prepare and acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful.  According to College Board, "The AP Biology Exam assesses student understanding of the science practices and learning objectives outlined in the course framework. The exam is 3 hours long and includes 60 multiple-choice questions and 6 free-response questions. A four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator is allowed on both sections of the exam." The details of the exam, including exam weighting and timing, can be found below:

    The exam is divided into 2 sections:

     I Multiple-choice questions 60 50% 90 minutes

    II Free-response questions 6 50% 90 minutes

    • Question 1: Interpreting and Evaluating Experimental Results (8–10 pts)
    • Question 2: Interpreting and Evaluating Experimental Results with Graphing (8–10 pts)
    • Question 3: Scientific Investigation (4 pts)
    • Question 4: Conceptual Analysis (4 pts)
    • Question 5: Analyze Model or Visual Representation (4 pts)
    • Question 6: Analyze Data (4 pts)

    The exam assesses content from each of four big ideas for the course:

    1. Evolution

    2. Energetics

    3. Information Storage and Transmission

    4. Systems Interactions

    Time is of the essence!  Start preparing now... The APB exam is on May 05, 2025, @ 8:00 AM.