

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. English, Texas A&M Class of '91 EC-4 Bilingual Generalist EC-12 Art EC-12 Tech Apps Adobe Video and Design Professional Photoshop, Premiere & Illustrator

Mr. Michael Moshue Hicks

       Hello! I teach Exploring Multimedia at the Design And Technology Academy at Ed White M.S. Fourteen years of teaching tech with NEISD has made me a passionate advocate for giving students control over their learning in the unique ways modern tools make possible. I also greatly enjoy facilitating the transition from elementary to middle school, having taught both sides of that divide.

        I am primarily focused on fostering creativity and the love of learning in my pupils, and the top-notch equipment and software our magnet program offers us makes each year an exciting journey. I sure do enjoy recharging my batteries over the summer with travel and study, but I LOVE when we start back to school in the fall!

  • 6th Grade DATA
    "Exploring Multimedia"

    Tuesday - Friday

    Tutoring (7:45 - 8:15)

    1st Period (8:20 - 9:05)

    2nd Period (9:10 - 10:00)

    Conference (10:05 - 10:50)

    4th Period (10:55 - 11:40)

    5th - Lunch (11:45 - 12:30)

     6th Period (12:35 - 1:20)

    7th Period (1:25 - 2:10)

    8th Period (2:15 - 3:00)

    9th Period (3:05 - 3:50)

    Friday only

    Lunch Tutoring

    (11:45 - 12:30)


    Monday Only

    Tutoring (7:45 - 8:15)

    1st Period (8:20 - 9:03)

    2nd Period (9:07 - 9:51)

    Conference (9:55 - 10:38)

    4th Period (10:42 - 11:25)

    5th - Lunch (11:29 - 12:12)

     6th Period (12:16 - 12:59)

    7th Period (1:03 - 1:46)

    8th Period (1:50 - 2:33)

    9th Period (2:37 - 3:20)

