• Syllabus


    6th Grade Technology Class

    “Exploring Multimedia” with Mr. Hicks

    Design and Technology Academy, Ed White M.S.


    Our project-based curriculum offers students an introduction to several Adobe and open-source software packages, including Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, After-Effects, Illustrator, Sketchup, Blender and MIT App Inventor. Extensions to each project are provided for students with time to explore advanced features.

    1st Grading Period

    Folder and file management

    Cloud File Sync with OneDrive

    "Favorite Things" Project

    Advanced Google Image search settings

    Document hyperlinks

    Google Drive backups


    Tools, Panels and Windows

    Image enhancement

    Simple text effects

    Layers and Adjustment Layers

    Adobe Premiere 

    Project and sequence setup

    Importing assets

    Timeline building

    Keyframe animation




    Channel management

    Uploading and sharing

    2nd Grading Period


    Vector v. Bitmap graphics

    Paths, lines and shapes

    "Sample Graphic" Project

    Fills and Strokes

    Solid and Gradient colors

    “Emoji” project

    Effects i.e. Pucker and Bloat

    ELAR Root Word Monster animation

    3rd Grading Period

    Sketchup 3D Modeling and Animation

    Desktop v. Online versions

    Navigating in 3D Space

    Keyboard shortcuts

    "Simple House" project

    Entering precise measurements

    Push/Pull extrusion tool

    Exporting 3D formats

     Blender 3D Animation

    “Simple House” animation project

    “Sculpture” Project - modeling & animation

    Frame-by-frame rendering

    Adobe Premiere - Exporting frame renders

    After Effects

    “Animated Intro” project

    Adobe Dynamic Linking

    Animated Backgrounds” project

    CC Starfield Effect

    Fractal Noise Effect

    Greenscreen compositing project


    4th Grading Period

    MIT App Inventor

    Kindle Fire and Samsung tablets

    Design interface

    Components, Media and Properties Panels

    User Interface

    Block Coding

    Variables, logic and loops

    Testing and debugging

    Publishing apps