
  • Each coach is responsible for finding and maintaining a full team rooster for their subject. Coaches can work together with their coordinators to develop whole team ideas but, ultimately, it is each sponsor's job to recruit for their individual subject.

    Be a welcoming and exciting voice for your subject!


    Individual Sponsor Ideas

    Utilize your campus morning announcements! Do this OFTEN!!!

    Have a "star competitor" for your subject each week

    Write a note to one student each week

    Send a "You've been chosen" personal invitation

    Work with your department to recruit

    Have a social get together for just your subject

    Put posters around campus

    Ask your students for ideas!!!!!


    Whole Team Ideas

    School Wide Scavenger Hunt

    Team Building Activity Day

    Pizza Gathering

    Ice Cream Social

    Meet at an off campus location - local park (FREE!) or paid event like putt putt

    Game Day / Afternoon Time

    Have the students create a recruiting video! (Utilize iMovie)