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ESL Department Staff

ESL Dept Staff

Alicia Alvarez-Calderon, Jenny Castillo, Veronica Duffy, Juana Flores, Graciela del Carmen Hernandez, Jaime Leal Sotelo, Melba Ochoa, Natalia Salto

22 teachers from six Latin American countries moved to San Antonio to join our team as dual language teachers. When each arrived, they were greeted by their new NEISD family – and these 8 employees graciously opened their homes to provide a place for them to stay until they could find a place of their own. They also drove them wherever they needed to go – whether it was a trip to the Social Security office, apartment hunting, shopping for groceries or clothes, or a ride to work. The new teachers began teaching at 11 schools, and the staff at each of those schools also went out of their way to make them feel at home. Many teachers, principals and colleagues donated household items and gift cards. We value our new teachers and thank these dedicated NEISD employees for making them feel at home.