Student Life
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Student Support
Peer Tutoring Every Thursday
We know that learning new content at rigorous levels can be challenging at times. With this in mind, we provide a wide scope that spans several available options to meet the academic needs of our students.
Each teacher has established tutoring times throughout the school week. These times can be before school, after school, and during lunch or any combination of these. Tutoring can also be scheduled in a one-on-one setting with a teacher outside their scheduled tutoring times.
Additionally, each Thursday is Rough Rider Readiness through Roosevelt, a time within the school day that students can also take advantage of to meet with their teachers for a little extra support. Throughout the year, peer tutoring is also offered during Rough Rider Readiness in the College and Career Center.
Student Resources
Educational Websites, Tools, and Videos
Enhance the knowledge of DATA concepts with our curated selection of educational websites and tools. From interactive platforms to helpful material, these resources make learning engaging and immersive.
Unreal Engine: The world’s most advanced real-time 3D creation tool for photoreal visuals and immersive experiences. This is the software used in class to build our video game worlds.
Visual Studio: The most comprehensive IDE for .NET and C++ developers on Windows for building web, cloud, desktop, mobile apps, services, and games.
Maya: Software used for 3D Animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software for film, games, and TV. This software is used in multiple classes.
BiblioTech: Online library with many tools to access to independently practice a variety of technical skills.
World Machine Community: The World Machine Community is where you can learn from your fellow users, and share your knowledge and images with the world. Participate in forums, browse for available files, or upload an image from a project.
Puttin’ on the Fritz 3D Visualization: This channel is devoted to teaching and sharing some of how to help you get started in 3D Modeling, Animation, Video Game Design, and 3D Visualization.