Course Description

  • Principles of Architecture and Construction provides an overview to the various fields of architecture, interior design, construction science, and construction technology. Achieving proficiency in decision making and problem solving is an essential skill for career planning and lifelong learning. Students use self-knowledge, educational, and career information to set and achieve realistic career and educational goals. Job-specific, skilled training can be provided through the use of training modules to identify career goals in trade and industry areas. Safety and career opportunities are included, in addition to work ethics and job-related study in the classroom such as communications; problem solving and critical thinking; Information Technology Applications; systems; safety, health, and environmental; leadership and teamwork; ethics and legal responsibilities; employability and career development; technical skills; introduction to hand tools; and reading technical drawings.


  • The following categories outline how the students’ grade will be calculated.

    Projects/Presentations     40%

    Daily Assignments           30%

    Progress Checks              30%

    If a student is not satisfied with their current grade the student may discuss extra credit opportunities with the teacher. If extra credit is needed arrangements must be made with the teacher by the sixth week of the current grading cycle.

Make Up Work

  • If a student misses class it is their responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to find out what they missed. For excused absences the student has one day per missed class to turn in their make-up work. If the work is not turned in at that time it is considered late. In accordance with NEISD’s Grading and Reporting Policy, “Student’s are not required to take a quiz or test on the day returning to class from an absence if the quiz or test was announced during the student’s absence.” If a student has an unexcused absence the work turned in is considered late.

    If a student knows that he/she will be missing class it is expected that they make arrangements about make up work with the teacher prior to their absence.

Late Work

  • In accordance to the NEISD Grading and Reporting Policy students will receive a 20% deduction from the grade they have earned on the assignment/project for late work. Because this class is project based it is imperative that students use their time wisely so they don’t get behind on the next project.

Student Expectations

  • Lab Expectations

    You have the fortune of having access to an amazing amount of software that is used in the industry and computers that are of extremely high quality. The following expectations are in place so that we may continue to have these invaluable items for years to come.

    1. Absolutely no food or drinks in the lab.
    2. Respect the property (monitors, computer towers, desks, mouse pads, etc.) by not marking on or damaging them in any way.
    3. Make sure to clean your area before you leave the classroom.
    4. Place backpacks on the back of your chair or under your desk.
    5. Put any materials you used from class back where you got it from before the class is over.
    6. Abide by all classroom rules.

    Student Expectations

    It is your responsibility as a student to demonstrate exceptional core values both inside and outside of class. In this class I expect the following student behavior:


    1. It is expected that each student produces the best work they possibly can.
    2. If students do not feel confident about a concept or tool taught it is their responsibility to come to the teacher or their peers for tutoring.


    1. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Please refer to the DATA Academic Dishonesty Policy for these guidelines.


    1. It is my expectation that the students will be committed to their learning experience in this class.
    2. Come to class prepared and ready to work.


    1. It is expected that you encourage your classmates with kind words.
    2. When criticism is offered it must be constructive criticism not destructive/hurtful.
    3. When someone is speaking to the entire class respectfully listen and do not talk.