Frequently Asked Questions
Paycheck, Direct Deposit, and Compensation
Can I set up an automatic draft for my bills?
You may have up to five financial institutions for direct deposit and can designate bill pay if allowed. Please contact your bank or credit union for information on bill pay LEAVE.
Can I split my pay to two different banks?
Yes, you may select up to five financial institutions for direct deposit. Instructions and a link to Lawson ESS are available on the Employee Resources webpage under My Pay.
I was hired late, how will my pay be prorated?
Typically the pay is prorated over 26 payments for Paraprofessionals and 12 payments for Certified employees. The number of remaining payments is communicated during employee orientation.
Why does a paycheck issued prior to July 1 not show the hours worked?
The Reg Hrs Worked only printed on Auxiliary employees' paychecks. Paychecks posted on the Lawson Employee Self Service system that are dated after July 2 will show the hours worked. Pay checks prior to July 2014 are available on the district's Employee Self Service site.
I just resigned, when will I get my last check?
Your final check will be processed based on the pay period where the resignation fell.
Will I be able to see how much I got paid for a certain year?
Visit Lawson Employee Self Service, click on Pay, then click on Year to Date and select the year. Instructions and a link to Lawson ESS are available on the Employee Resources webpage under My Pay.
Can I have extra tax taken out?
Yes, complete the online W-4 to have additional funds withheld for taxes.
How can I update my withholding tax?
Visit Lawson Employee Self Service, click on Pay, then click on Tax Withholding. Instructions and a link to Lawson ESS are available on the Employee Resources webpage under My Pay
Will I have access to view my paycheck from any location?
Yes, you can log onto MyPay from any internet enabled device.
I normally receive my pay through direct deposit but this payday I got a "live" check. Why?
Often when a financial institution merges with another financial institution, account numbers and bank routing number may change. When these types of changes occur, our records have to be updated through a process called "pre-note". The pre-note may cause you to receive a "live" check until the account and routing number are verified.
If I change my direct deposit, when will it be effective?
Effective dates will vary based on payroll processing schedules, but generally will be effective no later than two pay dates after the change has been made.
When will I receive my first paycheck?
Your paydate is based on your first workday.
How can I sign up for, change or cancel direct deposit of my paycheck?
Visit Lawson Employee Self Service, click on Pay, then click on Direct Deposit. Instructions and a link to Lawson ESS are available on the Employee Resources webpage under My Pay.
How can I get a copy of my current pay stub?
Visit MyPayInfo, click on Pay, click on Pay Stubs.
Where can I view paychecks issued from the old system?
Pay checks prior to July 2014 are available on the district's intranet-based Employee Self Service site. You can access this site from the Employee Resources web page under My Pay.
Will KRONOS change?
No, Classified employees will continue to use Kronos to record their punches and absences.
How will I correct missing punches on my Kronos timecard?
Corrections to the timecard are submitted to the employee's Supervisor on the Punch Change form.
Time & Leave
Can I choose not to use my leave when I am absent?
No, employees must use leave to cover their absence.
How can I check my remaining leave balance?
Leave balances will be posted in the Leave Balance section on Lawson Employee Self Service. Instructions and a link to Lawson ESS are available on the Employee Resources webpage under My Pay.
How will a Leave of Absence impact my pay?
Since a leave of absence has many factors, please contact the Leave Coordinator to determine how your pay will be impacted.
How will I distinguish my vacation days from bank time?
Paraprofessionals who bank time will have a Bank Time leave plan where hours will display. Only 230-day Paraprofessionals have vacation days and will see their leave in a Vacation/Para leave plan.
How will I pay my premium if I am on a Leave of Absence?
Please contact the Leave Coordinator to determine how your pay will be impacted.