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Thank you, Mrs. Reeves

 Thank you.


It’s a simple phrase, but’s it not said nearly enough. In many ways, the practice of writing thank you notes is becoming a thing of the past. So, when you get one, they seem extra special these days.


Recently, fourth-grade dual language student, Javier Valle, took the time to write a thank you note to one of his teachers. This is a big deal. The Roan Forest Elementary School student has dyslexia, so reading and writing doesn’t always come easy to him. But he’s getting better and wanted to make sure his Instructional Intervention Teacher, Shawna Reeves, knew the impact she is having on him.


This is his thank you note:


Dear Mrs. Reeves, 

Having dyslexia is very hard. I can have trouble spelling, and some words may look different to me. There is one teacher who has helped me for 3 yrs., Mrs. Reeves. She has taught me to decode and write in cursive. She also encourages me to do my best and never give up. Thank you, Mrs. Reeves, for everything you have taught me.

Javier Valle

Roan Forest Elementary 


Thank you, Mrs. Reeves, for showing how #NEISDcares.




If you want to say thank you to an educator who has impacted you, click here.

Posted by: Evan Henson