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Marissa Wulfsberg

Marissa Wulfsberg

Mrs. Wulfsberg is the principal of Northern Hills Elementary School. New students often transfer to her school from a variety of different circumstances. But one recent case made a lasting impact on a student who had suffered a devasting tragedy. A 10-year-old boy was moving to San Antonio from New York to live with his adult sister after his parent had passed away. As you can imagine, the loss and move to a new state was devastating for the young boy, and the sister didn’t have everything needed to enroll her brother. Mrs. Wulfsberg cleared her schedule.  She had counselors available, placed him in a class, and had the teachers there to meet him.  Mrs. Wulfsberg had her entire team wrap their arms around this family. Today, the boy loves his new school, his teachers, counselors, and principal.  And it’s all because she took the time to show him that they cared, and he was at home at Northern Hills.