• Level III


    Conferences are held with the Human Resources Hearing Officer and scheduled within 10 days from the receipt of the request.

    The Human Resources Hearing Officer or designee will confirm receipt of the request within two days.

    No new complaints or reliefs may be entered at Level III and only the evidence that was presented in Level I will be considered.

    The Human Resources Hearing Officer will respond in writing to the complainant within 10 days of the conference.

  • “Days” shall mean District business days, unless otherwise noted.

  • If the Level II Conference outcome does not meet the complainant's satisfaction, they may request a Level III Conference by submitting this form by email to the Executive Director of Pupil Personnel Services at grievances@neisd.net within 10 days of receipt of the Level II written response.

    If the following is true and accurate, please proceed:
    1. The Level III Conference outcome does not meet the complainant’s satisfaction.