Pupil Personnel
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- Student Transfers
2025-2026 Applications
Accepted Dec. 2, 2024
Last Friday of July
May I apply for any campus?
You may apply for any NEISD campus. Approvals will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis and
is contingent upon space availability at the campus/grade level requested. -
Can the campus keep a School Choice request from being granted?
Yes, the recommendation to block a requested School Choice transfer is made by the Principal of the requested campus. A student may have their School Choice transfer blocked for the following:
• One or more failing grades for a semester.
• A major violation or a persistent violation of the District Student Code of Conduct.
• Poor attendance for a semester.
• Failure of the parent/guardian to comply with school policies and procedures or failure of the student to comply with the school’s policies or procedures, to include causing disruptions in the day-to-day operations of the school.
Does a student approved on a School Choice transfer have to reside in North East ISD?
Yes, for all students approved for a School Choice transfer, the parent/guardian and student must reside in North East ISD upon enrollment and must provide the required proof of residence, as well as any other required documents needed for enrollment.
If I am already on a School Choice transfer, do I need to fill out another application?
If the student is remaining at the same campus, a new School Choice request is not needed. If the student is moving from Elementary School to Middle School or Middle School to High School, a new School Choice request is required during the School Choice window.
Where do I get an application for School Choice?
All School Choice applications must now be submitted online by visiting the North East webpage at neisd.net. Computers will be available at all campuses for those who do not have access from home or by cell phone.
When can I apply for School Choice?
The timeline for School Choice begins the first school business day of December at 7:20 am and ends at the close of school business on the last Friday of July.
What if I'm a new student to NEISD, but miss my 5 day window?
Applications received after the closure of this established window will not be processed for the current school year. These applications will be voided and a new application must be submitted during the conventional December-July School Choice window for consideration for the following school year.
May I apply for a Magnet School or Specialized Program through School Choice?
You may not apply for Magnet Schools or Specialized Programs (GT, Dual Language, etc.) through the School Choice process. Determination of eligibility for any Magnet Schools or Specialized Programs
are made independently of the School Choice process. -
What if I'm a new student to NEISD?
For any new student, kindergarten through twelfth grade, enrolling in the North East ISD for the current school year, the window for School Choice will be open for five (5) school business days from the student’s verified enrollment date.
A new student is defined as any student enrolling in North East ISD for the first time or any student returning to North East ISD after being out of the District for more than 1 (one) full year but who was not out of the District for disciplinary purposes or to avoid a disciplinary assignment.
If I have a student going into Pre-K next school year, can I apply for School Choice?
No, applications accepted are only for students who will be entering into grades Kinder through 12th in the upcoming school year.
If I have more than one child, may I use the same application?
No, you must fill out a School Choice application for each child.
Will applications be accepted after the last Friday of July?
No, exceptions will not be made if applications are not submitted within this established timeline.