• Board Meetings

    Welcome to the Board of Trustees website.  Here you will find useful information about the governance arm of the school district.


    Guiding the North East Independent School District toward excellence is the goal of the seven-member NEISD Board of Trustees.  As the district's elected leaders, trustees represent community expectations as they chart the direction of educational programs and services and establish the standard by which success is measured.

    Trustees employ the superintendent, approve the budget and monitor expenditures, set the tax rate, and may call for a bond or tax rate election.  The Board also establishes policies for operating the district and ensuring its financial viability. 


    The NEISD Board of Trustees generally meets on the second Monday evening of the month (except July) in the Boardroom on the first floor of the Richard A. Middleton Education Center, 8961 Tesoro Drive.

    2024-2025 Regular and Special Board Meetings Calendar

    NOTE:  Board meeting dates are subject to change.     

    Public Comment at Regular and Special Board Meetings

    Members of the community are welcome to address the NEISD Board during the public comment period at regularly scheduled Board meetings.  Those who wish to speak during the Matters from the Floor portion of the agenda may do so by signing up on the sign-up form located in the lobby of the RAMEC building just across the Boardroom between 5:30-6:10 PM the day of the meeting.

    Conversely, members of the community are welcome to address the NEISD Board during Special Board meetings.  However, public comment is limited to items on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting.  The sign-up form, also located in the lobby of the RAMEC Building, will be available forty-five (45) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting and remain posted for forty (40) minutes the day of the meeting.


    Members are elected to a four-year term of office.  On a rotating basis, board seats are filled during biannual elections held on the first Satuday in May. Vacancies are filled by appointment until the next election.  Candidates must conform to the eligibility requirements of the Texas Election Code.  The president, vice-president and secretary are elected by the other members of the board.  Trustees provide public service to the North East community without financial compensation.



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