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Family Engagement does it again


family engagement staffRoom full of parents

If it takes a village to raise a child, North East ISD’s powerful, loving village was on full display at the 22nd annual Family Engagement Training in March. 

Hundreds of parents, grandparents, guardians and community members attended this free one-day training hosted by the NEISD Family Engagement team. 

Sessions on everything from navigating social media to cyber security, Medicaid, preparing healthy meals and much more were available at no cost to our families. This beloved event takes months of planning, with NEISD Family Specialists collaborating with industry experts and specialists to make the most of this opportunity. 

For example, this year, Starbucks donated coffee for everyone in attendance, and the San Antonio Food Bank provided fresh produce bags for attendees to take home with them just in time for spring break. Teacher, comedian and writer KC Mack opened up the training with a rousing keynote speech.

“We want to thank you -- the parents, guardians, grandparents and community members – for being here today,” Dr. Esmeralda Muñoz, Executive Director for Learning Support Services. “By attending this training, you have chosen to invest in your children and your family.”

And it couldn’t have come together without our amazing Family Engagement team!