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Colonial Hills hosts health and community fair

Colonial Hills Elementary School celebrated its fourth Annual Health and Community Fair on April 12. The campus was overjoyed by the community support. There were 42 community agencies present and they are grateful for each of them. Organized and coordinated by the Colonial Hills - Family and Community Lighthouse team, the goal of the event builds community through awareness and helps the school’s students, parents and staff connect with resources and programs.

In the spirit of the Leader in Me program, the vendors were clustered by the "7th Habit Sharpen the Saw" categories of Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit. Colonial Hills wanted to provide an opportunity for all to "Sharpen the Saw" after the STAAR tests.

mobile fit truck

The San Antonio Parks and Recreation – Mobile Fit Unit provided screenings and Zumba.

student talking to officer

SAPD Fingerprinting representative speaks to a Colonial Hills student.

massage chair at event

Body Mechanics Massage Professionals provided massages.

student on workout machine

The FitStop Crossfit providing an opportunity for students to try the row machine.

moms demand action

Moms Demand Action for Sense in America provides information to keep students safe.