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Hidden Forest Odyssey of the Mind heads to World Finals

Four Odyssey of the Mind teams from Hidden Forest Elementary School competed in Houston at the state competition on April 14.  The team that solved Problem 5—Emoji, Speak for Yourself, placed first in their division both at regional and state competition. The team was comprised of all fifth grade students, most in their second season, and they worked together to solve their problem by telling the story of the returning champion on the “Guess That Emoji” Gameshow. 

The returning champion—Cool Emoji—competed against a cheating Happy Emoji, a Chicken Emoji who is removed from the game after an allergic reaction to sprinkles, and the soon-to-be-crowned champion—Donut Emoji.  The team also earned very high marks in the spontaneous portion of the competition.  They will advance to OM World Finals at Iowa State University at the end of May. Way to go, Gracie G., Kate H., Aimee H., Jedidiah J., Brett M., Max M. and Olivia T!

hidden forest elementary

students in competition