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From Boy Scout to acclaimed Corps of Cadets

Harrison in competition with his teamHarrison running cross countryLeadership has been a core value throughout Harrison Doyle’s life.

He learned the fundamentals as a Boy Scout and student at TMI, a school with a nationally-ranked JROTC program. But when he was ready to start high school, his journey brought him to the International School of Americas (ISA) at North East ISD. He will graduate in just a few weeks.

“I had heard a lot of good things about the school,” said Harrison. “I visited the campus and really liked what it had to offer.”

As a student in ISA, you can take full advantage of extracurricular activities at the LEE High School campus, and he did just that. He broadened his mind about world issues by participating in ISA’s Model United Nations (UN) program for four years. He crafted his competitive spirit and teamwork skills as a four-year member of the cross country team. And he began refining his leadership qualities even further by serving four years in LEE’s JROTC battalion.

“My high school experience definitely helped me get to the next step of where I want to go. If I hadn’t done the ROTC program, I doubt I would be where I am now.”

Harrison’s efforts have earned him a four-year scholarship to Texas A&M University. He looks forward to being a member of the university’s Corps of Cadets.

Ultimately, he wants to spend his career serving in the military.

“I’ve wanted to be in the military my whole life. My immediate family is not in the military, but I’ve had a lot of military influences. If you ask me today, I want to do infantry and special forces.”

Harrison’s work ethic has set him on a path to a boundless future, and he is a perfect example of what you can accomplish when you put in the work.

Congratulations Harrison and all our other 2021 high school graduates!

Posted by Kristina Perez
April 29, 2021