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Larkspur summer school students going the distance

Larkspur Summer School

The school year ended in a way no one expected. But the lessons learned in the past couple of months of distance learning helped shape a pretty cool curriculum for summer school students at Larkspur Elementary School. 

“The teachers have embraced virtual learning and have gone above and beyond to continue with live instruction every day in all grade levels,” said Larkspur’s summer school principal, Francisco Delgado.

Delgado and his team have also partnered with the McNay Art Museum and Animal Care Services to offer virtual field trips and valuable lessons.

“Students were able to learn about the importance of Animal Care Services in our city and the importance of taking care of our pets,” said Delgado. “Thanks to our McNay Museum Virtual Tour Guides, our Larkspur Summer School students were able to virtually visit some of the most iconic art pieces in the museum.”

He added these lessons continue to keep students curious and engaged. The team has also kept kids excited to learn with theme days and virtual spirit week.

So, while this may not be the summer school anyone expected, NEISD teachers and making the most of the situation and keeping their students learning until we can all be together again.

Larkspur Summer 2

Summer School Larkspur 3

Summer School 3

Summer School 4

Posted by: Evan Henson