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Student teachers thank NEISD mentors at reception

Aspiring teachers and counselors were recognized alongside their North East ISD mentors at the Student Teacher/Cooperating Teacher Reception Tuesday, Oct. 30. This event allows the District a chance to thank cooperating teachers for their role in getting student teachers in the classroom to nurture their passion for teaching. 

Adriana Gonzalez is one of dozens of student teachers and interns working at North East ISD this semester. She is a senior at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) with an expected graduation date of May 2019. During the week she spends time at Nimitz Middle School as a school counseling intern.

“Since I’m doing my internship in school counseling I’ve basically been helping counsel students,” said Gonzalez. “At the beginning it was schedule changes and now it’s individual and group counseling. It’s been such a fun experience.”

Student teachers and interns were given the chance to thank their mentors while principals got to meet prospective candidates that will support the District’s Tradition of Excellence. In the fall of 2018, 148 student teachers, practicum students and interns were placed on NEISD campuses. A total of 63 cooperating teachers and mentors were recognized at the reception.

Student Teacher reception  Adriana Gonzalez and her mentor

A packed house at the student mentor reception  Student teachers and their mentors at the reception

Refreshments and snacks at the reception  Student teachers sign in

Posted on 10-31-18