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NEISD students attend College Night 2018

Jonathan Marrero is one of hundreds of North East ISD students who attended College Night on Wednesday, Oct. 24. 
“A lot of school districts don’t provide these sort of opportunities,” said Marrero. “I’m from Puerto Rico and the school system there didn’t have anything like this. Some of these schools I would never be able to speak to so I really appreciate that our District is showing us what our options are.”
Students like Marrero are gearing up in preparation of the next step in their academic career. The rainy weather didn’t stop excited students and parents from heading to Blossom Athletic Center for an opportunity to meet with representatives from more than 100 colleges, military academies and universities. Representatives from each of the institutions had admission information and other materials to hand out while answering questions about their respective schools.
College Night is a unique opportunity for NEISD students, as many don’t have the time or resources to visit colleges in person. This experience is meant to help set them up for success after graduation.
guy signs
the group
the venue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted 10/25/18