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Roosevelt JROTC take part in leadership training course

JROTC members from Roosevelt High School started preparations for the new school year with a leadership training course. Earlier this month, cadets took part in an adventure training overnight trip at Newcombe Ranch in New Braunfels. The mission of this trip was to have cadet leadership and staff begin performing and understanding their assigned positions.

The cadets participated in challenging team building activities from water safety, to a high ropes course and even searching for checkpoints to get to a campfire.

“I liked how everyone had a role and would have to work together with everyone else,” said First Sergeant Jada Caesar. “If you worked well together it wasn’t as hard. I was glad to have experienced people on my team.”

JROTC members also engaged in leadership lectures to better understand the relationship between new and returning cadets. They also went over how to ensure positive connections for the new school year.

On the final day, cadets discussed how their roles as leaders will shape all of the cadets in the battalion. Captain Ben Montenegro said he is looking forward to a new year with new battalion members.

“I’m glad that my friends are with me in leadership,” said Montenegro. “Hopefully we get a number of new cadets that we will train well to be better citizens in the JROTC corps.”

Roosevelt JROTC members  cadets take part in rope course

Cadets listen to lecture   Battalion members in leadership course