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September 2018 - Students and Community Benefit From New Football Facility at Jackson

Students and community members at Jackson Middle School are reaping the benefits of a brand-new football facility. After one year of construction, the eighth-grade Jaguars football team officially kicked off the season on the school’s new grass field on Wednesday, September 20, 2018, at a special dedication.

Karen Funk, Executive Director of Athletics at North East ISD, says the field addition is something students and community members can enjoy.

“It gives the community and the school opportunities to do things that they could not do before,” said Funk. “They repositioned the field, they repositioned the tennis courts and they built a great concourse for kids to play basketball, and do other kinds of games on. They even added a new all-weather track. What a great place for kids to practice, to play, and for our P.E. classes to come out and be involved in.”

The new grass field and six-lane track replaced the original facility at Jackson Middle School. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian G. Gottardy, Associate Superintendent of Operations Ron D. Clary and Trustee Joseph Trevino also attended the field dedication.


2018-2019 eighth-grade Jackson Jaguars football team   Jackson Middle School track

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian G. Gottardy enjoying the dedication  Jackson Middle School Jaguars football team warm up

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