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What security measures do you have on campus?

The North East ISD Police Department is a 24-hour service provider whose focus is the safety of all students, staff, faculty and visitors within the NEISD community. In order to provide this service, the department works closely with all local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. When fully staffed, NEPD has 70 sworn officers, including two K-9 units, two detectives and a forensic investigator. NEISD is the only school district in San Antonio with an officer assigned to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. NEPD has at least one officer at each high school and middle school campus. In addition, there are dedicated officers patrolling the District’s elementary schools. These officers patrol the schools equally.

There are cameras and buzz-in systems at the front doors of our schools. Doors across campuses are equipped with keycard-access locks. There is perimeter fencing at all high school and middle school campuses. NEISD has contracted with a third-party company to monitor social media constantly