• Services

  • Eligibility

    Students eligible for special education under TEA guidelines receive services and supports as determined on an individual basis, utilizing data and the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, via development of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee.

Student in Wheelchair
  • Assistive Technology

    A device or service which the ARD committee has deemed necessary for a student to make reasonable progress toward the student’s individual education plan.

    Occupational Therapy

    Provides educationally related support services to students, families and instructional staff to assist students in benefiting from special education, by facilitating the student’s potential for functional independence and participation in educational activities.

    Orientation and Mobility

    Orientation and Mobility services are provided for students with visual impairments who demonstrate a need for instruction in orientation and mobility skills for safe and independent travel, concept development, spatial awareness, use of the long cane, optical devices, street crossing and/or the use of public transportation. These services may be provided in the school or in the community.

    Physical Therapy

    Provides educationally related support services to students, families and instructional staff to assist students in benefiting from special education, by facilitating the student’s potential for functional independence and participation in educational activities.

    Speech/Language Services

    Provided for the evaluation and intervention of communication disorders which include disorders of articulation, language, fluency and/or voice. Provided to eligible students whose communication skills adversely affect their developmental and/or academic skills.

    Transition Planning

    Transition is helping students with disabilities and their families identify the student’s areas of strengths and areas needing support; and interests and preferences as they identify goals for their life after high school. This includes looking at the supports the student will need during and after completing school, for example, funding and other local agency support.

    Effective September 1, 2023, Texas public schools must provide information about the Texas Driving with Disability program to students who: 


    This information must be provided annually to each student who is 16 years of age or older until graduation or until their 21st birthday. The information about the Texas Driving with Disability program must also be provided to the parents or guardians of eligible students. It may be provided with any transition planning materials that the school provides.  


    The information on the Texas Driving with Disability page may be used by schools to share with students and parents. In addition, the Texas Transition and Employment Guide will be updated to include information about the Texas Driving with Disability program as it applies to students receiving special education services in Texas public schools. 


    Webinar Presentation  


    Printed Materials  

    Download Initiative Poster as PDF (en Español)

    TED for North East ISD: Lorena Adkins
    Phone: 210-407-0267
    Email: ladkin@neisd.net

  • Learn More About Transitional Planning

  • Visual Impairment

    Brailling skills, mobility, use and care of assistive devices for the visually impaired and correct usage of note takers are covered. Braille and large type materials are provided as appropriate.

    Other Related Services

    Provided as determined in the student’s IEP if data indicates that the service is required in order for the student to make progress.