North East Transition Services

NETS is a community-based program specifically designed to support students in their transition to life after school.

  • Mission To assist NEISD students with IEPs to become contributing members of the community through instruction, training, employment, and self-advocacy.
  • Vision To partner with the community to expand post-secondary pathways, access resources, and embrace the fundamental need for diversity and inclusion.

    NETS transition services are for students with disabilities ages 18-21 who reside in NEISD and have a current Individual Education Plan (IEP), have completed their high school program, and are seeking support in skills necessary for adult life.

    If high school graduation requirements have been completed, students may participate in high school graduation ceremonies and receive a certificate of accomplishment. The student's diploma is presented when the student completes all NEISD services.

Our Purpose

Contact Information

8438 Ahern Drive
San Antonio, TX 78216

What Makes NETS Great!

  • Community Based Educational Services

  • Top 3 Areas NETS Can Help You In

  • Transition Services at NETS