paper tracking goal, ruler, two pencils

Librarian Evaluations

    • Library Services recommends that librarians meet with their evaluating administrator by 9/30/2023 to discuss their three goals for the year.  

    • Librarians are evaluated using the Librarian Self-Report.  The Librarian Self-Report is available in Eduphoria in a fillable format.  We ask that librarians include goals that will align with our Library Services District Improvement Plan. However, not all goals need to align directly as the librarian may have other areas of focus for the year (ex. weeding, etc.)

    • Librarians do have the option of entering their goals directly into Eduphoria, or they may upload their self-report if they've chosen to enter their goals on the Librarian Self-Report document.

    • Finally, at the end of the school year, campus administrators will evaluate their campus librarian(s) using the Librarian Appraisal Instrument available in fillable format in Eduphoria.  The campus administrator and librarian will meet for an end-of-year conference to review the evaluation.