North East ISD “Transforming the Future” is a strategic design project that requires involvement from the entire community to build a revised educational foundation for the betterment of our children. This rethinking of how our approximately 68,000 students learn will include, but is not limited to—advanced technology, teaching strategies, and teaching philosophies—leading to a shared Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Action Steps.
Transformation Process
North East Independent School District’s “Transforming the Future” initiative stems from one question: How do we move instruction for our students in the next 5 or 10 years? The last time the district asked that question to form a strategic plan, Bill Clinton was in office. Much has changed since the early 1990s, including how our students consume information.
Every year, technology advances by leaps and bounds. Most first graders were born the same year the first generation iPhone was released to the public—and many could operate one before pre-kindergarten. This change in how youth relates to their environment has changed the way they learn in the classroom and it is up to education leaders to evolve with these changing times.
The four month process began in September 2013. Involving community forums, focus groups, action team meetings and strategic design team sessions, the process timeline is separated into five key steps.
Key Steps
- ENGAGE: NEISD invited students, parents, employees and community members to attend six community forums in September to begin the conversation regarding the initiative. An online survey has been made available for feedback, from September 16 to October 10.
- COLLABORATE: NEISD students, parents, community members and staff are to meet in focus groups in early October to gather additional input on how to move instruction forward in the district.
- DESIGN: A strategic design team of staff, parents, students, and community members works to design a framework for decisions that will focus district resources and systems.
- CREATE: Action Team Leaders will dedicate their time in creating action plans aligned to the New NEISD Vision and House Bill 5 components.
- LEAD: NEISD Administrators will lead implementation with clear timelines and alignment to district/state objectives.
The NEISD Transforming the Future initiative timeline was presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. The district's Board of Trustees reviewed and approved the plan, taking action at a special board meeting on February 3, 2014 at Madison High School.