Advanced Placement

  • AP Courses Offered in NEISD

    Language Arts
    English Language and Composition
    English Literature and Composition

    Probability and Statistics

    Environmental Science  

    Social Studies
    United States History
    Human Geography
    Seminar & Research
    European History
    World History

    Fine Arts
    2D Art
    3D Art
    Art History
    Music Theory

    World Languages

  • What is AP?

    The College Board AP Program offers college-level courses and exams students can take prior to graduating from high school. Nearly all colleges and universities in the United States grant credit and/or placement for qualifying AP exam scores. 

    According to College Board research, students who complete AP courses are:

    • better prepared academically as they get familiar with college-level work before going to college
    • more likely to specialize in stringent majors
    • more likely to complete more college work in four (4) years
    • found to perform slightly better than peers who did not take AP courses
    • more likely to exercise leadership and development time management, critical thinking, and scholarly writing skills
    • twice as likely to go into advanced study (Ph.D., medicine, law)

    Although there is a cost for taking an AP exam, the cost is minimal compared to the average cost per credit hour/course at public or private universities. We encourage you to consider enrolling in one or more of the many NEISD AP courses which give you an opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. Enrollment in AP courses is open to all students that meet course prerequisites outlined in the high school course guide. See your counselor for more information. 

Compare AP, Dual Credit, and Dual Credit for Earning College Credits


Advanced Placement

Dual credit

Dual Enrollment


AP courses allow high school students to take college-level classes. Students can potentially earn college credit by passing exams and other coursework.

Dual credit courses allow high school students to concurrently earn both college credit and high school credit for a single class.

The OnRamps dual enrollment program enables students to simultaneously earn high school credit and separate transferable college credit from UT Austin.


Advanced Placement

AP courses allow high school students to take college-level classes. Students can potentially earn college credit by passing exams and other coursework.

Dual credit

Dual credit courses allow high school students to concurrently earn both college credit and high school credit for a single class.

Dual Enrollment

The OnRamps dual enrollment program enables students to simultaneously earn high school credit and separate transferable college credit from UT Austin.


High school credit is earned by successfully passing the course with a minimum 70% grade. Most colleges offer college credit and/or placement for qualifying AP exam scores.

Both high school and college credit are awarded when students pass the dual credit course with at least 70%. The college determines the number of college credits granted, typically through San Antonio College for academic dual credit.

High school credit is earned by passing the OnRamps course with a minimum 70% grade. UT Austin faculty award college credit if students get a D- or above in the college portion. Students then choose whether to accept the college credit.


Advanced Placement

High school credit is earned by successfully passing the course with a minimum 70% grade. Most colleges offer college credit and/or placement for qualifying AP exam scores.

Dual credit

Both high school and college credit are awarded when students pass the dual credit course with at least 70%. The college determines the number of college credits granted, typically through San Antonio College for academic dual credit.

Dual Enrollment

High school credit is earned by passing the OnRamps course with a minimum 70% grade. UT Austin faculty award college credit if students get a D- or above in the college portion. Students then choose whether to accept the college credit.

Teachers & Instructors

AP courses are taught by high school teachers trained by the College Board.

Dual credit courses are taught by high school teachers who meet qualifications to serve as adjunct college professors.

Dual enrollment OnRamps courses are co-taught by qualified high school teachers and University of Texas at Austin faculty. The high school portion is taught in-person along with distance learning from UT Austin.

Teachers & Instructors

Advanced Placement

AP courses are taught by high school teachers trained by the College Board.

Dual credit

Dual credit courses are taught by high school teachers who meet qualifications to serve as adjunct college professors.

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment OnRamps courses are co-taught by qualified high school teachers and University of Texas at Austin faculty. The high school portion is taught in-person along with distance learning from UT Austin.

College & University Acceptance

AP scores are accepted for college credit nationwide. However, credit policies vary by college so students should verify individual requirements.

Dual Credit hours transfer to public colleges and universities in Texas. Students should verify transfer policies at other in-state and out-of-state schools.

Dual Enrollment credit transfers to Texas public colleges and universities. Students should confirm transfer policies at other in-state and out-of-state institutions.

College & University Acceptance

Advanced Placement

AP scores are accepted for college credit nationwide. However, credit policies vary by college so students should verify individual requirements.

Dual credit

Dual Credit hours transfer to public colleges and universities in Texas. Students should verify transfer policies at other in-state and out-of-state schools.

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment credit transfers to Texas public colleges and universities. Students should confirm transfer policies at other in-state and out-of-state institutions.

Location & textbooks

AP courses are held at high schools, with curriculum and teaching materials provided by the district.

Dual credit classes take place in high schools. Course content and resources are jointly furnished by the district and partner college.

OnRamps dual enrollment occurs in-person at high school campuses plus online. UT Austin and/or NEISD supply the curriculum and educational assets.

Location & textbooks

Advanced Placement

AP courses are held at high schools, with curriculum and teaching materials provided by the district.

Dual credit

Dual credit classes take place in high schools. Course content and resources are jointly furnished by the district and partner college.

Dual Enrollment

OnRamps dual enrollment occurs in-person at high school campuses plus online. UT Austin and/or NEISD supply the curriculum and educational assets.

Academic Rigor

Standardized AP curriculum is set by the College Board, which reviews and approves course syllabi.

Course syllabi undergo review and approval by specific academic departments at Alamo Colleges.

Through distance learning, students receive the same identical instruction as taking the course at the UT Austin campus.

Academic Rigor

Advanced Placement

Standardized AP curriculum is set by the College Board, which reviews and approves course syllabi.

Dual credit

Course syllabi undergo review and approval by specific academic departments at Alamo Colleges.

Dual Enrollment

Through distance learning, students receive the same identical instruction as taking the course at the UT Austin campus.


Instruction is free. Exam fees are set by the College Board. Subsidies may be available to help cover costs. Students are responsible for exam fees and sending scores to colleges.

Classes have no tuition cost. Students cover any transcript fees from the partner college.

Courses have no tuition fees. Students are responsible for transcript costs from UT Austin.


Advanced Placement

Instruction is free. Exam fees are set by the College Board. Subsidies may be available to help cover costs. Students are responsible for exam fees and sending scores to colleges.

Dual credit

Classes have no tuition cost. Students cover any transcript fees from the partner college.

Dual Enrollment

Courses have no tuition fees. Students are responsible for transcript costs from UT Austin.

High School GPA Impact

Rigorous college-level curriculum earns weighted grades based on NEISD policies.

Challenging college-level content receives weighted grades per district standards.

Demanding university-level material qualifies for weighted grading under district guidelines.

High School GPA Impact

Advanced Placement

Rigorous college-level curriculum earns weighted grades based on NEISD policies.

Dual credit

Challenging college-level content receives weighted grades per district standards.

Dual Enrollment

Demanding university-level material qualifies for weighted grading under district guidelines.

College Transcript Impact

Individual colleges and universities evaluate AP scores for credit based on their institutional policies. Students send AP scores, which can grant college credit or placement.

Partner colleges permanently record grades on transcripts. Students must submit all transcripts when applying to any college, since failing marks cannot be removed.

University of Texas - Austin transcripts must be requested to document earned college credits, which factors into cumulative GPA from UT. Transfer policies will still differ across educational institutions.

College Transcript Impact

Advanced Placement

Individual colleges and universities evaluate AP scores for credit based on their institutional policies. Students send AP scores, which can grant college credit or placement.

Dual credit

Partner colleges permanently record grades on transcripts. Students must submit all transcripts when applying to any college, since failing marks cannot be removed.

Dual Enrollment

University of Texas - Austin transcripts must be requested to document earned college credits, which factors into cumulative GPA from UT. Transfer policies will still differ across educational institutions.


Open to all students, though some APs have suggested prerequisite courses to prepare. Students should be ready for college-level curriculum.

Students must pass the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) test and submit a college application to qualify.

No testing or application needed to enroll, but some courses require high school prerequisites. Students should be ready for college-level online learning.


Advanced Placement

Open to all students, though some APs have suggested prerequisite courses to prepare. Students should be ready for college-level curriculum.

Dual credit

Students must pass the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) test and submit a college application to qualify.

Dual Enrollment

No testing or application needed to enroll, but some courses require high school prerequisites. Students should be ready for college-level online learning.