Reagan Band Community 'CLASS ACT'

Posted by Manuel J Gamez on 10/30/2018 2:25:00 PM

Good Morning Mrs. Shelton 

I wanted to express our sincerest gratitude to your amazing band community. This past Saturday, Mr. Morrison and his staff reached out to our program in a time of need and desperation.  The Hendrickson Band program were experiencing issues with locating a tractor to haul their equipment to Heroes Stadium before their 2 pm performance. It was around 11 am that morning that I received a phone call from Mr. Daffinee and Mr. White offering any assistance they could to our band program. They offered to send their trailer, use their equipment and having parents available to help unload. 

Mrs. Shelton, your band staff, parents and students are a CLASS ACT! It is known that your band community is one to be acknowledged for their musical achievements and master teaching. You can proudly add that your band community are amazing humanitarians and advocates of great sportsmanship to that long list of great things your program does year in and year out.

We are humbled by their willingness to reach out to us in a time of need. Simply put; GREAT PEOPLE!

Thank you for your time and we here in PfISD wish you and your band program much success this coming weekend.  BRAVO to you and your Band Community! 

 Most humbled,

Manuel J Gamez

Director of Fine Arts 

Pflugerville Independent School District 

Pflugerville Band