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Our storytellers get the gold


Star awardsNorth East ISD’s Communications, Web Services and Media Production departments were recognized in multiple categories at the Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) annual conference.

TSPRA holds its annual Star Awards Program each February during the conference to provide recognition for outstanding education communication projects from school districts across the state.

This year, the NEISD departments won a combined 11 awards, including 4 Silver and 6 Gold. One of those Gold also won Best of Category awards in Special/Novelty Writing.

Categories they were awarded in include Holiday Greeting Card, Communication Plan, Writing, Published News or Feature, Specialty/Novelty Writing, Photos, and Original Art Logo/Trademark.

Both teams work throughout the year to tell the NEISD story, share good news and keep the lines of communication open with our community.


**solar eclipse glasses**