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Nimitz is getting fit together


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Nimitz Middle School staff have been putting their health first and encouraging each other through a fitness journey all school year. Robert Gonzalez, Jr. Cadets teacher, is leading the way and making it fun with events on and off campus. The results – and staff -- speak for themselves.

"Being a mother of three kids, taking care of the house, family and chores is hard,” said Brenda Miranda, counselor clerk. “The day Esme invited me to the gym, I was definitely not ready for what was to come. Mr. Gonzalez had a training workout guide; I was sore for days. I wanted to give up, but after a month I was fitting back into my shirts and jeans that I haven't been able to fit in a while, so I push myself harder and made a commitment each afternoon after work. Having Mr. Quintanilla and Mr. Gonzalez cheering me on and motivating me on those hard days made a difference not to give up on myself.”

It's definitely easier when you have a great support system in place.

"We all strive to be healthier, and we set goals to do just that,” said Gonzalez. “When you do it with friends it makes the job that much easier.”

And the principal, Jennifer Cooper, is totally behind it because she appreciates all the benefits.

"We put together a race team at Nimitz called Nimitz Code Green,” said Cooper. “We tackle a 5k every month. We also work out together either before school or after school daily. This has been huge. We encourage each other throughout the day and celebrate each other’s successes. As a principal, I have seen incredible growth with the campus' culture. I believe this plays a large role in it. When we as the adults on campus aim to be our best, our students follow.”