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It's time to apply!


NEEF grantsDo you have an idea to enhance the learning environment for NEISD students? Apply for an Innovative Grant. The North East Educational Foundation (NEEF) Innovative Grant Program provides financial support to classroom teachers to bring creative and innovative resources and activities to the students of NEISD.

The Foundation awards Innovative Grants to NEISD teachers and staff for projects and programs that enhance the required curriculum and broaden the range of students’ educational experience. NEEF is committed to funding educational projects and activities that enrich learning and advance student success. 

The Foundation’s Innovative Grants are made possible through donations from the community and ongoing fundraising efforts.

This grant cycle, the Grants Committee is encouraging collaboration among staff across campus departments and District departments to create further impact. Furthermore, the Grant Committee is encouraging teachers and staff to use vivid imagery and integrate a compelling story throughout their application.

In an effort to help applicants write successful proposals, the Grants Committee will be providing all staff and teachers with the Grant Application Scoring Rubric. These are the criteria and scoring used by the Grants Committee when assessing a potential grant. The scoring rubric will guide applicants throughout brainstorming, writing, and application process. 

For further tips, visit our FAQs and Tips page before submitting your application. 

Innovative Grant applications are available for campus and Districtwide projects and programs. NEEF will accept two applications per campus, one per magnet program, and Districtwide applications. Principals must approve campus grants, and magnet programs applications must be approved by the magnet director. Grants will be awarded in the Fall 2023 semester.

Innovative Grant Applications are open December 12 – March 10. For more information, visit or email