Who We Are
Core Purpose:
The core purpose of the NEISD social studies program is to develop character and habits of mind that promote civic responsibility in a democratic society and interdependent world.
North East Social Studies Graduate Profile:
Our students will be life-long learners who have a passion and respect for learning. They will gain an understanding of why learning is important. Students will see history as a part of day-to-day life. They will recognize and understand their place in the world and in history. Students will take an active interest in current events, viewing issues from multiple perspectives. They will develop cultural acceptance by listening, considering and evaluating other philosophies
and cultures. Students will possess an awareness of “the torch has been passed” to them. They will assume the mantle of leadership – in whatever path of life they choose to walk. Students will assume civic responsibility. They will know and understand the cost and responsibility of freedom. They will be functional participants in our democratic system and know how to intellectually navigate their way through our complex society. Students ultimately will understand that they are agents of change in their world.