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Krueger teachers give life-changing gift to student

Brayan Perez didn’t expect to find a second family when he enrolled in sixth grade at Krueger Middle School. Starting junior high is scary enough, but imagine beginning a new school in a new country while navigating the world without hearing aids. Under those circumstances, Perez faced many obstacles in and out of school, until one email changed his life forever.

A grant provided to North East ISD allowed the purchase of hearing aids to assist Brayan during school hours, but there was still a need to fill at home. An email was sent out to the teachers and staff at Krueger asking for donations to purchase a second set of hearing aids and within minutes, that need was filled.

Effie Baeza, Krueger’s Special Education Campus Coordinator, spends time with Brayan every day. She says this simple act of kindness made an immediate impact on the shy young man who lights up every room he’s in.

“Before he was a very timid, shy young man,” said Baeza. “Obviously, the challenge that he faced with that situation in not having the proper equipment to access life in general versus now, you see him and he’s happy. He loves his classes, loves his teachers and walks in with the willingness to learn and take in everything that every single person has to offer to him.”

Perez used one word in particular to describe the way his support team at Krueger has made him feel and it’s, “happy.” That makes every long day worth it for the incredible and giving people who work so hard to make Krueger feel like home for its students and their families.

“I think every one of us, even if it’s a small fraction, we feel that the path that we took as far as our career is so worth it because when you see that beautiful smile on this child you know you had a small impact in that,” said Baeza. 

The loving, inclusive support system at Krueger is yet another example of the power a simple act of kindness can yield.

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Posted by Lila Stanley