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Board officially names Dr. Sean Maika Superintendent of North East ISD

In a special meeting on Sept. 25, trustees officially named Dr. Sean Maika the Superintendent of Schools for North East ISD.

Maika officially took over the role of Interim Superintendent on May 6. Prior to this, he served as Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Campus Administration for two years. He also served as an Executive Director for School Administration and Principal of Harris Middle School. Dr. Maika has 23 years of experience in education.

“I am humbled by the trust the school board is placing in me,” said Maika. “To be able to lead the school district where my children attend is unbelievable. I am truly honored.”

Board President Shannon Grona referenced his strong leadership over the past several months and the Board’s confidence in his abilities to successfully lead the District.

Board officially names Dr. Sean Maika as Superintendent of North East ISD

Posted by Lila Stanley
Posted on 9-25-19