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Student-led program welcomes new military students

North East ISD, in coordination with the Military Child Education Coalition, is providing training for the nationally-acclaimed Student 2 Student program in all seven District high schools.

Student 2 Student is a student-led organization that welcomes incoming students to their school and helps departing students prepare for their next school.  Student 2 Student eases transitions and creates a positive environment for highly mobile students.  It was created because the average military-connected student moves six to nine times during their K-12 years.

Student 2 Student will meet new students on their first day of school, eat with them at lunch and answer any questions that these new students might have. The program is not only for military students and can be applied to any newly enrolled student.

“We want military families to know that North East ISD supports them,” said Kyra Bush, Coordinator for Guidance Services.


Student 2 Student training

Students getting trained for program