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NEISD nurses get ready for the new school year

Browyn King is one of 90 North East ISD nurses who took part in Health Services training Tuesday, Aug. 14. This is King’s fifth year as the Castle Hills Elementary School nurse. She says this type of training is vital for keeping NEISD students healthy during the school year.

“This training is important so that we know the latest health requirements,” said King. “Today, we are learning new changes to hearing and vision, spinal screening and just general safety for our students.”

NEISD has 79 registered nurses and 11 licensed vocational nurses working in the District. Annual training sessions keep school nurses current on new state requirements for hearing, vision and immunizations. They also review preventative care practices for students who have asthma or other general health concerns.

This is another important step in preparing for the new school year, and King says she does it all for the students.

“I’m just looking forward to all the kids that I get to see every day. I get to know them very well and it’s just neat to see how much they’ve grown over the summer and how much they’ve grown from year to year.”

group listening to instructor  instructor takes questions from the group

Browyn King takes notes in training session  group photo of NEISD nurses