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NEISD Employee enters Hall of Fame

de Hoyos holding up her trophyEsther De Hoyos is the newest member of the Hunger Hero Hall of Fame.

No Kid Hungry Texas inducts new members into their hall of fame every year who go above and beyond to ensure kids have access to healthy meals every day.

Esther’s inspires her co-workers like Ashley Robbins who nominated her for the hall of fame.

“Esther has been working at NEISD School Nutrition Services for almost 24 years! Every day, she comes to work with a positive attitude and a heart of gold,” said Robbins. “She greets every student with a smile and a kind hello. She truly brings laughter and joy to everyone she comes across. Her actions speak louder than words, and she is constantly sharing her expertise and food service knowledge with others. She is always willing to train new employees and shares her positive experiences with them in order to inspire them to be the next great generation of school nutrition professionals!”

Congratulations, Esther and thank you for all you do!

Posted by: Evan Henson
posted on: 05/19/2022