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Lopez eighth grader is living every inventor's dream

 Jane Moody holds her patent certificate   Jane Moody holds her patent certificate with Mrs. Horan

At 13, Jane Moody has already accomplished something most inventors only dream of. The Lopez Middle School eighth grader has successfully achieved a patent for an adaptive hand device meant to help people with mobility impairment.

"I came up with a writing device for people with dexterity issues, so all they have to do is slide their hand in and they can write using their elbow, shoulder or torso without having to apply any pressure," said Jane.

The idea came to her as a 10-year-old in Suzanne Horan's Gifted and Talented (GT) class at Wilderness Oak Elementary School. Horan challenged her students to come up with an invention that would change the world. The prompt made Jane think about how her dad's best friend, Joe Holt, had been diagnosed with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.

ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, weakens muscles and impacts physical function. This includes the ability to write. Jane's invention, aptly called "The Joe Holt," aims to help people struggling with dexterity and mobility issues. While Jane's invention went through the design phase, an incredible connection revealed itself. Mrs. Horan realized that she knew Joe Holt. In fact, they had been neighbors for 15 years!

Jane presented her idea at the 5th-grade science fair and the feedback was overwhelming. So many people encouraged Jane to patent her idea. Now, three years later, it's official.

"I am beyond proud," said Horan. "I loved that she had a growth mindset the whole way and she followed it through. My goal is for them to better this world and inspire them to make a difference. I want them to know when they think of others they enrich their own lives."

Holt did not live to see the patent process through, but Jane and her family are determined to move forward with the process in honor of their friend Joe. Jane discovered a passion for helping others. She has big dreams of becoming a biomedical mechanical engineer when she grows up. Her field of interest? Prosthetics. 

Original design of The Joe Holt Jane's 10 year old design

Jane at the 5th grade science fair 

Posted by Lila Stanley
Posted on 11-1-21