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Welcome Letter


Welcome to 6th &7th Grade

Reading Acceleration 


Dear Parents/Guardians


Who is Ms. Ramos? 

I am excited to be at Jackson for my 10th year! I firmly believe that all students can, and will, grow in strength and confidence this year as we continue our reading program for this course


What is Reading Acceleration? 

Reading Acceleration is all about meeting the students at their level and helping them grow through instruction, practice and working with peers.

A key component of our class will be the iReady program we began last year. Each student will have individualized learning paths in which he/she will receive tutorials and practice in key components of reading comprehension based on individual Diagnostic assessment data.


Typical Week in RA

  • Students will receive personalized instruction through iReady for a minimum of 60 minutes.

  • Ms. Ramos will work with small groups on targeted skills to foster student growth and progress


Tutoring Times: 

For this nine weeks:

  • AM tutoring will be Tuesdays with Ms. Ramos in room 113.

  • PM tutoring will be Thursdays with Ms. Sanchez in room 211.


Contact Information: 

Please email Ms. Ramos at with any questions or concerns you may have.