- Jackson Middle School
- Welcome

Phone: (210)356-4400
Degrees and Certifications:
M.A. in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln Certified in Mathematics grades 4 - 12
Mr. Rafael Vigil
Hi! I'm Rafael Vigil and I'm the Math Instructional Coach here at JMS. This is my eighteenth year in K-12 math education but this is my first time in any role other than a classroom teacher.
I'm originally from Lincoln, Nebraska. After graduating high school, youthful recklessness led me to join the Army, where I spent three years with the 82nd Airborne Division. I then returned home to study math at the University of Nebraska - Go Big Red! Wanting to never see the temperature drop below freezing ever again, I moved to Austin to study more math at the University of Texas - Hook 'em Horns! I spent a short time as the resident statistician for a group working on an active sonar system for the Navy, but I quickly realized that I only wanted to teach math.
I taught various grade levels with Austin ISD for eleven years before moving to San Antonio in 2016. I taught various grade levels in other districts before coming to NEISD this year. I'm super excited to be a Jaguar!