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Earth Day at JK!

Girls gardening
students gardening
Students from North East ISD’s International School of the Americas (ISA) recently fanned out across the city to serve our schools and community as part of their Globie Youth Service Day.
ISA students made the short trek to Jackson-Keller Elementary School to work with students there. They planted flowers together and played games. ðŸŠī ðŸĶ‹ 🌷
“My brother donated all the plants and flowers from 🌈 Rainbow Garden and looks forward to working with us every year,” said Mrs. Sharon Scott, Jackson-Keller ES Title I Interventionist. ðŸŠī
These volunteers accomplished even more than landscaping in the courtyard. They also made a personal connection with the Jackson-Keller kindergarten-fifth grade student volunteers.
Another Earth Day tradition for Jackson-Keller ES is decorating H-E-B brown grocery paper bags to be used on Earth Day.🌏
“We started this tradition with HEB years ago. I really look forward to hearing from our community when they grocery shop at the H-E-B on West Ave. and come home with an Earth Day bag created by one of our students,” Mrs. Nicolai-Knopf, Principal. ☘ïļðŸƒðŸŒ
Working together to make a global impact #theNEISDway
Local organizations who benefited from ISA’s Globie Youth Service Day include:
Animal Care Services
Animal Defense League
Botanical Gardens
Cibolo Nature Center
Franklin Park Alamo Heights
God's Dogs Rescue
Graffiti Wipeout
Health Collaborative
Jackson Keller Elementary
LEE Gardening
Mitchell Lake Audubon
Ronald McDonald House
SA Food Bank
Sarah Roberts French Home
Pre-K Academy at West Ave.
Wildlife Rescue
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