Family Engagement - Course Catalog
Parents are welcome to attend any virtual or in-person course. Use the high school logos below to filter by cluster or to filter by month. The courses are colored to match the categories above.
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¡Juguemos y aprendamos juntos! Apoyando el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños pequeños
Date/Time: Martes, April (04-29-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-29-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta sesión es para familias con niños de 3 a 5 años.
Está dedicado a aprovechar el poder del juego para
fomentar la conexión y el desarrollo de habilidades
en casa. Únase a nosotros mientras aprendemos
activamente cómo incorporar prácticas que promuevan
el crecimiento social y emocional a través del juego
con su hijo en casa. Libere el poder del juego y cree
recuerdos duraderos mientras fomenta el crecimiento
y desarrollo de nuestros niños. Los participantes se
llevarán activi
Family Specialist:
¡Juguemos y aprendamos juntos! Apoyando el pensamiento matemático de los niños pequeños
Date/Time: Martes, November (11/19/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/19/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¡Juguemos y aprendamos juntos en casa! Esta sesión es
para familias con niños de 3 a 5 años. Únase a nosotros
mientras aprendemos activamente cómo incorporar el
pensamiento matemático a través del juego con su hijo
en casa. Los participantes se llevarán actividades que
apoyen el éxito académico temprano.
Family Specialist:
¡se necesitan dos para lograr que una “conversación” salga bien!
Date/Time: Jueves, February (218/2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-18-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
En el intrincado baile de la crianza de los hijos, encontrar
el equilibrio adecuado entre hablar y escuchar es
crucial para fomentar una comunicación efectiva y
construir conexiones significativas con nuestros hijos.
Venga a explorar el delicado arte de saber cuándo
hablar y cuándo prestar atención, creando un ambiente
enriquecedor donde tanto los padres como el niño se
sientan escuchados y comprendidos.
Se compartirán estrategias prácticas y consejos
interesantes que permitan a
Family Specialist:
¿AS+K? Sobre el suicidio para salvar una vida
Date/Time: Jueves, September (09/05/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/05/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
La prevención del suicidio ocurre cuando las personas y
las comunidades se unen. Cuando sepamos qué buscar,
prestemos atención a quienes nos rodean y actuemos
cuando veamos algo, reduciremos el número de muertes
por suicidio. ¿Pero por dónde empezamos? Si usted
es un profesional, un padre preocupado o un amigo
preocupado, ¿AS+K? La capacitación proporciona
recursos para ayudarle a aprender las señales que debe
buscar, cómo hablar con alguien sobre lo que siente y
dónde acudir p
Family Specialist:
¿Qué es el aprendizaje socioemocional (SEL): por qué es importante?
Date/Time: Jueves, April (04-10-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-10-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Este interesante taller está diseñado para padres
y cuidadores que buscan comprender el papel
fundamental del aprendizaje socioemocional (SEL, por
sus siglas en inglés) en la vida de sus hijos. Profundice
en los principios básicos de SEL a través de debates
interesantes y ejemplos identificables, descubriendo
su profundo impacto en la inteligencia emocional y
el bienestar general de su hijo. Aprenda estrategias y
actividades prácticas para integrar SEL perfectamente
en el entor
Family Specialist:
¿Qué son los superdotados y talentosos? Desmitificando el proceso de identificación
Date/Time: Jueves, February (02-25-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-25-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Qué significa exactamente estar en Servicios para
Dotados y Talentosos en Texas? Quizás le sorprenda
saber que muchos de los estudiantes que más se
benefician de los servicios no han sido identificados.
En esta sesión, exploraremos qué son los servicios para
superdotados en Texas y cómo puede ser el proceso
de identificación en la escuela de su hijo. También
hablaremos sobre formas de comunicarnos con el
campus de su hijo para una identificación equitativa.
Family Specialist:
3rd-5th Parent Classes: Math & Science
Date/Time: Wednesday, November (11-13-2024) @ 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Oak Grove Elementary ZOOM Meeting
Our dedicated teachers, academic coaches and librarian are here to show you what is being taught in the classroom -You will learn what your child is expected to master for their grade in math and what skills you can practice at home. You may select the 7:30 am or 5pm session on the registration form.
Family Specialist: Leslie Rosales
3rd-5th Parent Classes: Reading & Writing Skills
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10-16-2024) @ 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM
Last Session Date: 10-16-2024
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Oak Grove Elementary ZOOM Meeting
Our dedicated teachers, academic coaches and librarian are here to show you what is being taught in the classroom -You will learn what your child is expected to master for their grade in reading and writing and what skills you can practice at home. You may select the 7:30 am or 5pm session on the registration form.
Family Specialist: Leslie Rosales
3rd-5th Parent Classes: Testing 101
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09-26-2024) @ 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM
Last Session Date: 09-26-2024
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Oak Grove Elementary ZOOM Meeting
This series is specifically designed for parents of students in 3rd-5th grades. You will learn how your child is doing academically based on their first round of MAP tests. -You will also learn more about MAP and STAAR testing and we will introduce the Central Reporting System that shows your child’s STAAR test and related parent supports. 7:30am and 5pm sessions are available on the registration form. We invite you to join the next sessions in this series where we dive into reading/writing
Family Specialist: Leslie Rosales
A Parent’s Guide to Family Reunification following a School Emergency
Date/Time: Tuesday, December (12/03/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/03/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
As a parent, ensuring the safety and well-being of your
child during a school emergency is paramount. Join us
for an informative session designed to equip parents
and guardians with the knowledge and tools to navigate
the family reunification process with confidence and
peace of mind. Key topics that will be discussed are
notification systems, a reunification plan overview, and
how to support your child during this time. This session
will provide practical guidance and support to
Family Specialist:
ABC de la salud mental para nuestros niños más pequeños
Date/Time: Jueves, April (04-17-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-17-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Tiene dificultades para comprender las emociones
de su hijo? Únete a esta sesión interactiva que nos
permite explorar las GRANDES emociones de nuestros
pequeños. Desde la comprensión de las emociones
hasta las estrategias de afrontamiento, esta sesión
ofrece una guía esencial para cultivar una atmósfera
positiva y de apoyo donde los niños puedan prosperar
emocional y mentalmente. Profundizamos en los
aspectos fundamentales de la salud mental de los niños,
equipándolo con conoc
Family Specialist:
ABCs of Mental Health for our Younger Children
Date/Time: Thursday, April (04-17-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-17-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Do you find yourself struggling to understand your
child’s emotions? Join this interactive session that
allows us to explore our little’s BIG emotions. From
understanding emotions to coping strategies, this
session offers essential guidance for cultivating a
positive and supportive atmosphere where children
can thrive emotionally and mentally. We delve into
the fundamental aspects of children’s mental health,
equipping you with practical knowledge and strategies
to support the
Family Specialist:
Adult ESL Class
Date/Time: Wednesday, August (08/21/2024) @ 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Last Session Date: 05/21/2025
Sessions: 55
Location: In-Person @ Olmos Elem. Family Room 4 ZOOM Meeting
Acompáñenos en aprender Inglés! En esta clase será introducido a los diferentes métodos en aprender el idioma estadunidense. Aprenderá en escribir, hablar, y leer el inglés. La clase será divertida y le dara oportunidad en conocer diferentes personas de varios países.
Family Specialist: Lillian Esparza
Adult Sewing Class
Date/Time: Monday, August (08/19/2024) @ 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
Last Session Date: 05/19/2025
Sessions: 55
Location: In-Person @ Olmos Elem. Family Room $ ZOOM Meeting
You are welcome to participate in our Sewing Class! We should all learn to sew. Sewing is a skill for people of all ages, in all occupations, and from all walks of life. From making small repairs to making complete wardrobes, sewing provides for our basic, and not so basic,
clothing needs. Learn the basics of handling a sewing machine and creating beautiful art with different fabrics. Este curso presenta al estudiante las técnicas básicas de confección, corte y costura con un enfoque doméstico.
Family Specialist: Lillian Esparza
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Date/Time: Thursday, February (02-13-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-13-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
In this session, we will discuss the impact of ACEs and
how it transcends the traditional boundaries of health
and human service systems. The first step toward healing
comes with understanding the problem. Our words and
our commitment are vital to the future we all want for
our children. The goal of this session is to develop a
common language and common understanding about
how experiences shape our well being. (This session is
repeated on 6/12/25.)
Family Specialist:
AI Crash Course for Parents
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/09/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Workshop Overview for Parents:
Join us as we explore the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We will discuss how AI can be utilized to enhance executive functioning skills in children. This workshop aims to provide parents with insights on leveraging AI tools to support their child's learning and development.
Family Specialist: Zelvia Castillo
Date/Time: Tuesday, April (04-01-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-01-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
In today’s interconnected world, bullying can take
on various forms, making it crucial for parents to stay
informed and proactive. Participants will be provided
an in-depth overview of the different types of bullying,
its impact on children, and learn about protective
factors that can reduce and/ or prevent bullying
behavior. Together, let’s stand united against bullying
and foster a culture of kindness, respect, and empathy
in our communities. This session is presented by our
Family Specialist:
Apoyando a los padres en el proceso del IEP
Date/Time: Martes, September (09/24/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/24/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Es usted un padre que está atravesando el viaje
educativo de un niño con necesidades especiales?
Comprender las complejidades del proceso ARD
(Admisión, Revisión y Despido) y las garantías procesales
vigentes es crucial para garantizar que su hijo reciba la
educación adecuada y el apoyo que merece. Únase a
nosotros para una sesión de capacitación para padres
informativa y empoderadora diseñada para desmitificar
el proceso ARD y brindarle los recursos disponibles
para ayudar a
Family Specialist:
Apoyando el aprendizaje de su hijo con recursos tecnológicos para la dislexia
Date/Time: Miercoles, October (10/30/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/30/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
La investigación es definitiva con respecto a la tecnología
y la instrucción para estudiantes con dislexia. Cuando los
estudiantes tienen acceso a la tecnología, su desempeño
general mejora. Las herramientas tecnológicas permiten
a los estudiantes con dislexia participar en pie de
igualdad en las experiencias de aprendizaje escolares.
La tecnología no debe reemplazar la instrucción directa
y explícita, pero cuando la tecnología se integra
exitosamente podemos fortalecer a los est
Family Specialist:
Apoyos de STAAR: Desenredando la accesibilidad para los padres
Date/Time: Viernes, February (02-07-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-07-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Estás listo para embarcarte en una aventura
explorando los soportes STAAR? Únase a nosotros en un
emocionante viaje virtual donde las familias descubrirán
los secretos para maximizar la accesibilidad para todos
los estudiantes en la instrucción en el aula y en las
Evaluaciones de Preparación Académica del Estado
de Texas (STAAR®). En esta sesión, los participantes
navegarán a través de una serie de actividades diseñadas
para familiarizarlos con documentos de orientación clave
Family Specialist:
Apoyos para el comportamiento positivo en el hogar
Date/Time: Jueves, September (09/26/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/26/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
A veces, ser padre puede parecer como navegar por un
laberinto de comportamientos, desde los maravillosos
hasta los desafiantes. Este taller es ideal para padres,
cuidadores y cualquier persona interesada en promover
conductas positivas y fortalecer las relaciones familiares
en el hogar. Esta sesión proporciona herramientas y
estrategias que permiten y empoderan a la familia para
definir claramente, enseñar con confianza y apoyar
consistentemente sus expectativas de comportamient
Family Specialist:
Applying to College: A Step-by-Step Approach
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/11/2024) @ 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join us for a virtual, informational presentation on the college application process from start to finish. The college application process can feel overwhelming and tedious. Our goal is to help prepare families for this important step and provide a wealth of resources to use along the way. Our Speaker will be Ashley Wilks, Reagan CCMR Specialist.
Family Specialist: Roxana Gutierrez-Garcia
AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/05/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 A,
Last Session Date: 09/05/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
Suicide prevention happens when people and
communities come together. When we know what to
look for, pay attention to those around us, and act when
we see something, we will reduce the number of deaths
by suicide. But where do we begin? Whether you are a
professional, a worried parent, or a concerned friend,
AS+K? training provides resources to help you learn
the signs to look for, how to talk to someone about
what they are feeling, and where to go for more help.
The instructor
Family Specialist:
Autodeterminación: una habilidad vital para prepararse para el éxito postescolar
Date/Time: Martes, December (12/17/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/17/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
En esta sesión, exploramos estrategias para navegar
la conciencia sobre la discapacidad, equipando a los
participantes con el conocimiento y las herramientas para
aprovechar sus habilidades mientras enfrentan desafíos.
A través de debates interesantes y conocimientos
prácticos, los asistentes obtendrán perspectivas valiosas
sobre cómo comprender la autodeterminación para
superar barreras, defenderse a sí mismos y prosperar en
diversos aspectos de la vida. Ya sea que esté navegand
Family Specialist:
Baptist Children and Family Services
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/11/2024) @ 10:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m
Last Session Date: 10/30/2024
Sessions: 8
Location: In-Person @ Olmos Elementary Family Room 4 ZOOM Meeting
In this class you will learn, the importance of conflict resolution, improve communication, Improve your child’s behavior problems, Deal with complicated emotions, learn about valuable and community resources.
Family Specialist: Lillian Esparza
Beginner Spanish
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/03/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 32
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Learn the basics in conversational spanish
Family Specialist: Monica Encina
Book Lovers Book Club
Date/Time: Monday, September (09/23/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Last Session Date: 10/21/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Wilshire Elementary School Room 1 ZOOM Meeting
Come and explore Too Late by Colleen Hoover and open your mind to new horizons. We will discuss all chapters from beginning to end as we dive into all the twist and turns of this book.
Family Specialist: Lisa De La Rosa
Book Study - How to Hug a Porcupine
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/10/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Wood MS ZOOM Meeting
Book: How to hug a porcupine. Join us as we navigate how to handle the pre-teenage years.
Family Specialist: Monica Orozco
Book Study Circle at El Dorado
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/05/2024) @ 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Last Session Date: 012/05/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ 12634 El Sendero ZOOM Meeting
Engaging Parent Book Chat Circle: Lively discussions, shared insights, and a complimentary book for each participant - a literary treat awaits! // Círculo de charla sobre libros para padres: debates animados, ideas compartidas y un libro de cortesía para cada participante: ¡le espera un regalo literario!
Family Specialist: Cecilia Canales
Book Study- The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families
Date/Time: Monday, November (11/11/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/9/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join us as we read and discuss Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families. Throughout the series, Covey shows us how and why to have family meetings, the importance of keeping promises, how to balance individual and family needs, and how to move from dependence to interdependence. Participants will receive a copy of the book at the start of the series, as well as an additional related text at series completion.
Family Specialist: Kelly Romero
Book Study-Raising Good Humans
Date/Time: Monday, October (10/07/2024) @ 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Last Session Date: 10/28/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Book Study for Parents- Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids. This book is packed with mindfulness skills to help during stressful parenting times. You will also discover the tools that you will need to build a relationship with your child based on love and mutual respect
Family Specialist: Lorraine Cirlos-Martinez
Bridging the Gap Between Disability and Instruction for Student Success
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/17/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/17/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ "Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208""" ZOOM Meeting
Join us for an engaging workshop focused on bridging
the gap between a student’s disability and effective
instruction. In this session, parents and families will gain
valuable insights into specially designed instruction and
its pivotal role in meeting the diverse needs of students
with disabilities, while learning how to advocate for
personalized learning experiences that maximize their
child’s growth and development.
Family Specialist:
Budgeting 101
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/18/2024) @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Clear Spring Elementary Rm. 201 ZOOM Meeting
Have you ever wondered where all your money goes? The best way to know, is by having a plan! Learn important budgeting tips, practical ideas to save money, and short-term goal setting.
Family Specialist: Homero Pena Jr.
Business Plan Writing Workshop
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/24/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/31/2024
Sessions: 2
Location: In-Person @ Walzem Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
Have you ever wanted to start your own business? Do you have a great business idea, but do not know where to start? If you answered, "yes," then this is the workshop for you! You will learn how to write a business plan and how to use it to get funding for your business. This workshop will be facilitated by the non-profit, Empower House.
Family Specialist: Nelly Alvarez
Busy parent healthy and convenient meal planning ideas
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/12/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Harmony Hills Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
HEB West Ave and Blanco will present a workshop on healthy and convenient meal planning ideas.
Family Specialist: ANNA BLAKE
Cafe Para Padres
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 12/19/2024
Sessions: 10
Location: In-Person, Virtual @ Ridgeview ES ZOOM Meeting
Cafe Para Padres ofrece un espacio seguro para conversar y conectar en grupos pequenos. Conversaciones importantes que incluyen la sanacion y el crecimiento dentro de la familia , son las bases de la platica.
Family Specialist: Cindy Ford
Cafés para padres: Factor protector--Conocimientos
Date/Time: Jueves, October (10/24/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/24/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Solo en persona @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Durante esta sesión, se presentará a los padres y se
discutirán sus conocimientos sobre la paternidad y
el desarrollo infantil. Ser un buen padre es en parte
natural y en parte aprendido. Los niños no vienen
con manual. La crianza de los hijos es un proceso de
aprendizaje continuo y es importante comprender el
desarrollo infantil normal para que podamos tener
expectativas razonables para nuestros hijos. Esta sesión
es presentada por la socia comunitaria Rebecca Ulloa,
Family Specialist:
Cafés para padres: Factor protector--Resiliencia
Date/Time: Jueves, September (09/19/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 09/19/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: (IN PERSON ONLY) @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Durante esta sesión se presentará a los padres y se
discutirá la resiliencia de los padres. Ser padre es
ser fuerte y flexible. Como padres, para afrontar los
factores estresantes de la vida, debemos ser fuertes,
flexibles y ser capaces de recuperarnos cuando llegue
la adversidad. Cuando nosotros, como padres, estamos
psicológica y emocionalmente sanos, somos más
capaces de considerar soluciones a largo plazo en
lugar de simplemente reaccionar ante cada situación
a medida que s
Family Specialist:
Cafés para padres: Factor protector: Comunicación
Date/Time: Jueves, December (12/12/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/12/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: (Solo en persona) @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Durante esta sesión se presentará a los padres y se
discutirá su propia experiencia sobre cómo han ayudado
a sus hijos a comunicarse. Ampliando aún más la
competencia social y emocional de los niños. Los niños
necesitan aprender a gestionar sus emociones, expresar
sus necesidades y sentimientos, afrontar conflictos y
llevarse bien con los demás. Cuando los niños pueden
hacer estas cosas, nuestro trabajo como padres se
vuelve menos estresante. Esta sesión es presentada
por la so
Family Specialist:
Cafés para padres: Factor protector: Relaciones
Date/Time: Jueves, October (10/3/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/3/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Solo en persona) @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Parent Café es un espacio acogedor para conversaciones
y conexiones en grupos pequeños. El núcleo del café
son debates interactivos significativos sobre la curación
y el crecimiento dentro de las familias. Los padres
comparten experiencias y estrategias para ayudar a las
familias a ser más fuertes y resilientes.
Durante esta sesión, se presentará a los padres y se
discutirán las conexiones sociales. Los padres necesitan
amigos. Cuando los padres tienen amigos positivos y de
Family Specialist:
Cafés para padres: Factor protector--Apoyo
Date/Time: Jueves, November (11/14/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 11/14/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Solo en persona @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Parent Café es un espacio acogedor para conversaciones
y conexiones en grupos pequeños. El núcleo del café
son debates interactivos significativos sobre la curación
y el crecimiento dentro de las familias. Los padres
comparten experiencias y estrategias para ayudar a las
familias a ser más fuertes y resilientes.
Durante esta sesión, se presentará a los padres y se
discutirá el apoyo concreto en momentos de necesidad.
Todo el mundo necesita ayuda a veces, y las familias
que puede
Family Specialist:
Capacitacion para Padres de Skyward (Portal para Padres de la Escuela)
Date/Time: Friday, September (09/06/2024) @ 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/20/2024
Sessions: 14
Location: In-Person @ Churchill High School ZOOM Meeting
¿Necesitas aprender a navegar el portal para padres para estar al dia con las calificaciones
y asistencia de tu estudiante? ¿Sabias que tambien puedes actualizar tus datos personales a traves de tu portal?
Yo te puedo enseñar a navegar y actualizar tu informacion en Skyward. Estare disponible todos los viernes de 8:00-9:00 AM. Registrate y te llamare para agendar una cita.
Family Specialist: Jeorgina Gonzalez
Cerrar la brecha entre la discapacidad y la instrucción para el éxito estudiantil
Date/Time: Jueves, October (10/17/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/17/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Únase a nosotros para un interesante taller centrado en
cerrar la brecha entre la discapacidad de un estudiante
y la instrucción efectiva. En esta sesión, los padres
y las familias obtendrán información valiosa sobre
la instrucción especialmente diseñada y su papel
fundamental para satisfacer las diversas necesidades
de los estudiantes con discapacidades, mientras
aprenden cómo abogar por experiencias de aprendizaje
personalizadas que maximicen el crecimiento y
desarrollo de su
Family Specialist:
Child and Infant CPR
Date/Time: Friday, October (10/11/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/11/2024
Sessions: 2
Location: In-Person @ Windcrest Elementary ZOOM Meeting
The Miss Tristan Foundation provides no-cost, CPR educational programs across our San Antonio community. This class it's a Child and Infant CPR class. The class includes CPR and AED for children. CPR for infants include, push and give breath and choking in children and infants. The class is about 1 hour.
Family Specialist: Yessica Carmona
ChildSafe Parenting Series
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/18/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/02/2024
Sessions: 3
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Come learn how you can keep your child safe and away from community dangers. You will learn more information about Internet Safety, Child Traumatic Stress and Anti-Bullying. We hope you can join us.
Family Specialist: Mayra Martinez
Choose to Refuse Drugs
Date/Time: Tuesday, November (11/12/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Learn how parents can create an ongoing dialogue with their students about the dangers of substance use. Parents will also be able
to identify strategies that can be used to help their students combat peer pressure and promote a drug-free lifestyle.
Family Specialist: Sabrina Lara
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/12/2024) @ 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/19/2024
Sessions: 14
Location: In-Person @ Ed White Middle School/Salon 1302 ZOOM Meeting
¿Sueña con convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense? ¡Nuestra clase es el lugar perfecto para comenzar! Los guiaremos para
que se preparen para el examen de ciudadanía. Aprenderá sobre la historia de los Estados Unidos, los derechos y responsabilidades de los ciudadanos y cómo navegar por el complejo sistema legal. Con nuestro plan de estudio, obtendrá el conocimiento y la confianza que
necesita para tener éxito. No espere más para hacer realidad su sueño: ¡inscríbase hoy en nuestra clase de ciud
Family Specialist: Lenny Leos
Clase de Ingles
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/24/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 05/13/2025
Sessions: 20
Location: In-Person @ Ridgeview ES ZOOM Meeting
Los participantes aprenderan todos los aspectos del idioma ingles que incluyen el alfabeto basico, la gramatica y el ingles conversacional.
Esta clase se ofrece en persona y incluye todo los materiales.
Family Specialist: Cindy Ford
College, Career & Military Readiness: An Overview for Parents
Date/Time: Tuesday, January (01-14-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-01-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Preparing your child for their future endeavors requires
planning and informed decision-making. This session
is designed to provide parents with an overview of the
pathways available to their children after high school,
including college, career, and military readiness. By
exploring each path’s benefits, requirements, and
potential outcomes, parents will gain valuable insights
to support their child’s postsecondary goals and journey
towards success.
Family Specialist:
Colonial Hills Elementary Turkey Trot
Date/Time: Tuesday, November (11/12/2024) @ 4:45 AM - 6:45 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ 2627 Kerrybrook Ct ZOOM Meeting
Join us for an evening of fun for the whole family! Colonial Hills invites you to our Turkey Trot. Participants are welcome to walk or run for a chance to win a free turkey!
Family Specialist: Salina Allaire
Colonial Hills Holidays Around the World
Date/Time: Tuesday, December (12/10/2024) @ 4:30 AM - 6:30 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ 2627 Kerrybrook Ct. ZOOM Meeting
Join us for our our monthly PTA meeting then learn about countries all around the world. Help us celebrate our diverse community!
If you would like to share your family’s culture with our school community you can do so by scanning the QR code. Participants can perform a song, dance or create a display of a country.
Family Specialist: Salina Allaire
Colts Cricut Club
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/12/2024) @ 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Last Session Date: 12/12/2024
Sessions: 9
Location: In-Person @ Walzem Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
Are you ready to make your own personalized shirts, bags, and other cool items? Our Cricut Club is the perfect place to learn how while also gaining some entrepreneurial skills! You will learn basic Cricut Design Space Skills and make a variety of projects. Cricut machine and most supplies will be provided.
¿Estás listo para hacer tus propias camisetas, bolsos y otros artículos interesantes personalizados? ¡Nuestro Cricut Club es el lugar perfecto para aprender y al mismo tiempo adquirir al
Family Specialist: Nelly Alvarez
Como ayudar a su hijo a encontrar el camino hacia la calma
Date/Time: Miercoles, October (10/09/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/09/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
En esta sesión, exploramos la esencia de la atención
plena y sus profundos beneficios para los niños. A
través de debates esclarecedores y ejemplos prácticos,
los cuidadores obtendrán información sobre cómo las
prácticas de atención plena pueden mejorar la regulación
emocional, la concentración y el bienestar general de
sus hijos. Descubre estrategias y técnicas efectivas para
incorporar mindfulness a las rutinas diarias en casa,
fomentando una sensación de calma y resiliencia en
Family Specialist:
Cómo criar a un niño con una capacidad diferente
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/26/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Woodstone Elementary School
5602 Fountainwood San Antonio, TX 78233 ZOOM Meeting
¿Es usted padre o madre de un estudiante que asiste a un programa de educación especial para la primera infancia o un programa de entorno de aprendizaje alternativo?
Conozca a otros padres que comparten una experiencia similar.
Infórmese sobre las capacitaciones mensuales para padres y cómo su escuela puede brindar el mejor apoyo a su hijo y a su familia.
Comprenda cómo los maestros de transición pueden ayudar con los recursos.
Family Specialist: Maribel Lacey
Cómo criar niños resilientes
Date/Time: Jueves, January (01-30-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-30-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta sesión de empoderamiento está dedicada a
explorar los componentes esenciales de la resiliencia en
los niños y cómo los cuidadores pueden cultivar este
importante rasgo. A través de debates interesantes y
ejemplos de la vida real, los participantes obtendrán
información sobre lo que significa la resiliencia y por
qué es crucial para el desarrollo de los niños. Descubra
estrategias y técnicas prácticas que los cuidadores
pueden implementar en casa para fomentar la resiliencia
Family Specialist:
Conociendo el proceso detrás del IEP de su hijo
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Existe un proceso de siete pasos para crear Programas
de Educación Individualizados (IEP) basados en
estándares. Los participantes se familiarizarán más con
el proceso del IEP de 7 pasos, incluida la recopilación de
datos, los niveles actuales de rendimiento académico y
desempeño funcional (PLAAFP), metas, seguimiento del
progreso y evaluación.
Family Specialist:
Contra el acoso de bullying
Date/Time: Martes, April (04-01-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-01-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
En el mundo interconectado de hoy, el acoso puede
adoptar diversas formas, por lo que es fundamental que
los padres se mantengan informados y sean proactivos.
Los participantes recibirán una descripción detallada
de los diferentes tipos de acoso, su impacto en los
niños y aprenderán sobre los factores protectores que
pueden reducir y/o prevenir el comportamiento de
acoso. Juntos, unámonos contra el acoso y fomentemos
una cultura de bondad, respeto y empatía en nuestras
Family Specialist:
Conversational English
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/24/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 05/13/2024
Sessions: 27
Location: In-Person @ Ridgeview ES / 8223 McCullough ZOOM Meeting
Participants will be provided with various strategies and techniques to help them master the English language. Participants will learn everyday life
skills such as shopping at a grocery store, going to the Drs' office etc .All materials will be provided by the teacher.
Family Specialist: Cindy Ford
Conversational ESL
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/17/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date: 12/19/2024
Sessions: 20
Location: In-Person @ Larkspur Elem. P-49 ZOOM Meeting
English learners Welcome! This class integrates language development, life skills, and real-world projects in an exciting, easy-to-use format. Critical thinking activities challenge learners to analyze information that prepares them for real life.
Aprendices de inglés: ¡Bienvenidos! En esta clase, integramos el desarrollo del lenguaje, en un formato emocionante y fácil de usar. Las actividades promueven la habilidad de evaluar, analizar y sintetizar información que los prepara para vida real.
Family Specialist: Ana de la Tejera
Co-Parenting with Pre-Teens and Teenagers
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/17/2024
Sessions: 13
Location: In-Person @ Jackson Middle School ZOOM Meeting
In these free, evidence-based parenting classes, parents will learn how to cope with separation and divorce and the emotions that come with this family transition. Parents will also learn how to connect with their teenagers, encourage their teenager's positive development, deal with risky behavior, and apply proven strategies to common parenting problems in co-parenting situations.
Family Specialist: Zelvia Castilllo
Costura y Habilidades Empresariales
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/03/2024) @ 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 12/17/2024
Sessions: 12
Location: In-Person @ Walzem Elementary ZOOM Meeting
¿Alguna vez ha querido aprender una nueva habilidad? ¿Quizás ha querido emprender un nuevo pasatiempo que potencialmente pueda hacerle ganar algo de dinero? ¡Venga a Walzem y aprenda a coser! Nuestra instructora de costura profesional, Catalina Reyes, le enseñará habilidades básicas de costura. Realizaremos proyectos de servicio comunitario dirigidos por los padres y de retribución. Se proporcionan máquinas de coser y material para nuestros participantes. Para obtener más información, comuníques
Family Specialist: Nelly Alvarez
Cougar Carnival
Date/Time: Friday, October (10/18/2024) @ 4:30 AM - 7:30 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ 2627 Kerrybrook Ct ZOOM Meeting
Join us for our annual Cougar Carnival! Families are invited to an evening filled with fun games, food and music! All proceeds from this event go to Colonial Hills Elementary.
Family Specialist: Salina Allaire
Credit Human Financial Literacy
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/24/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date: 12/3/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Roosevelt High School ZOOM Meeting
Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. When you are financially literate, you have the essential foundation for a smart relationship with money. This can help start a lifelong journey of learning about the financial aspects of your life. The earlier you start to become financially literate, the better off you'll be because education is the key to a successful financial future
Family Specialist: Melissa Mendiola
Crianza con propósito: una serie sobre disciplina consciente para las familias, parte I
Date/Time: Jueves, January (01-16-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-16-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta serie de 4 partes está diseñada para equipar a
los padres con las herramientas y los conocimientos
necesarios para crear relaciones armoniosas y
enriquecedoras con sus hijos a través de los principios
de la Disciplina Consciente. Basada en las últimas
investigaciones en neurociencia y desarrollo infantil,
Disciplina Consciente ofrece a los padres herramientas y
estrategias prácticas para fomentar relaciones amorosas
y respetuosas con sus hijos mientras promueven la
Family Specialist:
Crianza con propósito: una serie sobre disciplina consciente para las familias, parte III
Date/Time: Jueves, April (04-24-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-24-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
los padres con las herramientas y los conocimientos
necesarios para crear relaciones armoniosas y
enriquecedoras con sus hijos a través de los principios
de la Disciplina Consciente. Basada en las últimas
investigaciones en neurociencia y desarrollo infantil,
Disciplina Consciente ofrece a los padres herramientas y
estrategias prácticas para fomentar relaciones amorosas
y respetuosas con sus hijos mientras promueven la
inteligencia emocional, la autorregulación y la resiliencia.
Family Specialist:
Crianza con propósito: una serie sobre disciplina consciente para las familias, parte II
Date/Time: Jueves, February (02-27-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-27-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta serie de 4 partes está diseñada para equipar a
los padres con las herramientas y los conocimientos
necesarios para crear relaciones armoniosas y
enriquecedoras con sus hijos a través de los principios
de la Disciplina Consciente. Basada en las últimas
investigaciones en neurociencia y desarrollo infantil,
Disciplina Consciente ofrece a los padres herramientas y
estrategias prácticas para fomentar relaciones amorosas
y respetuosas con sus hijos mientras promueven la
Family Specialist:
Cultivando manitas: Taller de desarrollo motor fino para familias de niños pequeños
Date/Time: Martes, January (01-21-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-21-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Únase a nosotros en un taller enriquecedor diseñado
para capacitar a las familias para que apoyen las
habilidades motoras finas de sus hijos pequeños. Este
taller práctico equipará a las familias con estrategias
prácticas y actividades interesantes para mejorar el
desarrollo motor fino de sus hijos y, al mismo tiempo,
proporcionará materiales para llevar a casa para
continuar el viaje de aprendizaje más allá del taller.
Family Specialist:
Dangerous Teen Trends
Date/Time: Thursday, March (03-27-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-27-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
In today’s world, parents of adolescents must be informed
about dangerous teen trends that can significantly
impact their well being. The session will aim to provide
parents with insights into prevalent risks, including
vaping, fentanyl abuse, human trafficking, social
media pitfalls, as well as eating and sleeping habits.
By understanding these trends and their implications,
parents can better equip themselves to support and
safeguard the adolescents in their lives.
Family Specialist:
David's Legacy
Date/Time: Monday, October (10/28/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
The mission of David’s Legacy Foundation is to eliminate cyber and other bullying, of children and teens, through education, legislation, and legal action.
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
Desarrollo del lenguaje oral
Date/Time: Lunes, December (12/16/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/16/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Cómo pueden los padres apoyar el desarrollo del
lenguaje oral en sus hijos bilingües emergentes? Este
taller informativo ofrece a los padres las herramientas
y estrategias necesarias para fomentar el crecimiento
lingüístico de sus hijos. Exploraremos las etapas
del desarrollo del lenguaje oral en niños que están
aprendiendo dos idiomas, destacando los hitos
importantes y las prácticas recomendadas para
enriquecer su adquisición del lenguaje. (Esta sesión será
presentada en esp
Family Specialist:
Educación en Primeros Auxilios
Date/Time: Friday, October (10/18/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Windcrest Elementary ZOOM Meeting
Esta clase ayuda a los participantes a reconocer y responder adecuadamente frente a una emergencia de RCP y cómo usar un desfibrilador externo automático (AED). La clase tiene cupo limitado, favor de registrarse.
Family Specialist: Yessica Carmona
Empoderar a los padres: fomentar la salud de su hijo desde el principio
Date/Time: Miercoles, March (03-05-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-05-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Diseñada exclusivamente para padres, esta sesión está
dedicada a descubrir las conexiones entre la salud
física, el cuidado bucal y la nutrición, como elementos
fundamentales para garantizar la preparación de su hijo
para la escuela. El objetivo es equipar a los padres con
el conocimiento esencial y las herramientas prácticas
necesarias para sentar las bases del bienestar de su hijo
durante toda la vida, todo dentro del marco del enfoque
Head Start. Juntos nos embarcaremos en un
Family Specialist:
Empowering Parents: Nurturing Your Child’s Health from the Start
Date/Time: Wednesday, March (03-05-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-05-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Designed exclusively for parents, this session is dedicated
to discovering the connections between physical health,
oral care, and nutrition, as pivotal elements for ensuring
your child’s readiness for school. The focus is to equip
parents with the essential knowledge and practical
tools necessary to lay the groundwork for your child’s
lifelong well-being, all within the framework of the Head
Start Approach. Together we will embark on a journey
to understand your child’s growth,
Family Specialist:
Entendiendo el autismo
Date/Time: Martes, March (03-04-2025) @ 9:00 - 11:00
Last Session Date: 03-04-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta clase presenta el programa Any Baby Can y la
serie de cursos que ofrece el programa de autismo. El
Padre aprenderá a reconocer las áreas más comunes del
diagnóstico del Espectro del Autismo. Además, podrán
comprender cómo apoyar mejor a sus hijos utilizando
el modelo comunitario. A los padres se les enseña
cuáles son los próximos pasos para cuidar a sus hijos. La
sesión es presentada por nuestro socio comunitario, la
organización Any Baby Can San Antonio.
Family Specialist:
Entorno menos restrictivo: exploración de la continuidad de los servicios
Date/Time: Martes, December (12/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
El apoyo y los servicios para nuestros estudiantes con
Programas de Educación Individualizados (IEP) se ven
diferentes durante la escuela para cada persona según
sus necesidades individuales. Únase a nosotros en
esta sesión introductoria al proceso continuo de cómo
puede ser la educación especial para los estudiantes
con IEP, incluida información sobre quién, dónde y
cuándo. Conocer estas diferencias y la terminología
de educación especial que se utiliza para describir los
Family Specialist:
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/11/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Stahl Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
Learn to speak English in small groups. Join us for our conversation class. We will practice reading and writing skills. All levels of English are welcomed to attend.
Aprende hablar inglés en grupos pequeños. Únase a nosotros en esta clase de conversación. Practicaremos habilidades de lectura y escritura. Todos los niveles pueden asistir a esta clase.
Family Specialist: Lorraine Martinez
ESL Para Padres: Inglés Conversacional
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/12/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date: 12/19/2024
Sessions: 14
Location: In-Person @ Ed White Middle School/Salon 1302 ZOOM Meeting
Le gustaría estudiar Ingles? Tiene ganas de aprender como desenvolverse en cualquier lugar con facilidad? Entonces, fije la meta de estudiar Ingles! Empiece por inscribirse a esta clase básica.
Family Specialist: Lenny Leos
Estrategias de entrenamiento para ir al baño
Date/Time: Jueves, October (10/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta capacitación se centrará en múltiples estrategias
para aprender a ir al baño que dependen de las
fortalezas y necesidades de su hijo. Aprenderá cómo
configurar el entorno, tomar conciencia de los desafíos
y estrategias sensoriales y cómo reforzar positivamente
a su hijo. Al final de esta capacitación, recibirá una caja
de herramientas con ayudas visuales y herramientas
sensoriales para aprender a ir al baño. La clase se
centra en personas con autismo, pero estas estrategias
Family Specialist:
Estrategias de entrenamiento para ir al baño
Date/Time: Jueves, January (01-23-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-23-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta capacitación se centrará en múltiples estrategias
para aprender a ir al baño que dependen de las
fortalezas y necesidades de su hijo. Aprenderá cómo
configurar el entorno, tomar conciencia de los desafíos
y estrategias sensoriales y cómo reforzar positivamente
a su hijo. Al final de esta capacitación, recibirá una caja
de herramientas con ayudas visuales y herramientas
sensoriales para aprender a ir al baño. La clase se
centra en personas con autismo, pero estas estrategias
Family Specialist:
Estresores que afectan al niño
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/10/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Unirse con Ellie Mental Health, Gloria Mendez, MS, LPC-S, CGP, CCTP-II Hablemos de todas las cosas que estresan a nuestros estudiantes y de las
estrategias que podemos utilizar para ayudarlos a tener éxito en la vida.
Family Specialist: Melissa Castillo-Cerda
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Series
Date/Time: Tuesday, October (10/1/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 12/10/2024
Sessions: 8
Location: In-Person, Virtual @ Krueger Middle School Room 101 ZOOM Meeting
Cook more meals and snacks at home
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Be more active with your family
Reach and/or stay at a healthy weight
Save money on groceries
Control portion size
Have more energy
Keep food safe
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
Experiencias adversas en la infancia (ACEs)
Date/Time: Jueves, February (02-13-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-13-2025
Sessions: (Se repite el 12 de junio)
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
En esta sesión, discutiremos el impacto de las ACE y
cómo trasciende los límites tradicionales de los sistemas
de servicios humanos y de salud. El primer paso hacia la
curación es comprender el problema. Nuestras palabras
y nuestro compromiso son vitales para el futuro que
todos queremos para nuestros hijos. El objetivo de
esta sesión es desarrollar un lenguaje común y una
comprensión común sobre cómo las experiencias
moldean nuestro bienestar
Family Specialist:
Explorando la Sección 504
Date/Time: Lunes, October (10/14/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/14/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ "Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208""" ZOOM Meeting
¿Qué es la Sección 504? ¿A quién protege? ¿Qué
incluye un plan? ¿Qué derechos tienen los padres o
tutores según la Sección 504? ¿Cómo obtiene mi hijo
un plan o qué puedo esperar si tiene uno? Estamos muy
contentos de que hayas preguntado. Únase a nosotros
para explorar estos mismos temas y brindar respuestas
a estas mismas preguntas. Exploremos juntos la Sección
Family Specialist:
Exploring Section 504
Date/Time: Monday, October (10/14/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/14/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ " Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
What is Section 504? Who does it protect? What does a
plan include? What rights do parents or guardians have
under Section 504? How does my child get a plan or
what can I expect if they have one? We are so glad you
asked. Join us to explore these very topics and provide
answers to these very questions. Let’s explore Section
504 together.
Family Specialist:
Family Matters Series "How to Help Kids Tame Screen Time"
Date/Time: Friday, September (09-20-2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ NEISD Community Learning Center- Room 100A ZOOM Meeting
Let's face it, screens have won out. They're ubiquitous - for schooling, socializing, and recreational escape. How do parents begin to reign it in and help kids find more motivation for school? How do you know if your child is "addicted" to gaming?
Join us to learn new ways to meet your kids where they're at with screen use, including understanding what they're getting from their screen activities and collaboratively setting reasonable limits with the information presented in this session.
Family Specialist: Analisa Barrera
Family Matters Video-Discussion Series: "How to Help Kids Tame Screen Time"
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09-19-2024) @ 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Let's face it, screens have won out. They're ubiquitous - for schooling, socializing, and recreational escape. How do parents begin to reign it in and help kids find more motivation for school? How do you know if your child is "addicted" to gaming?
Join us to learn new ways to meet your kids where they're at with screen use, including understanding what they're getting from their screen activities and collaboratively setting reasonable limits with the information presented in this session.
Family Specialist: Analisa Barrera
Fieldtrip to Morgan's MAC
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/24/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ bus departs from Harmony Hills Elemen ZOOM Meeting
The tour of the facility will consist of:
learning about Morgan's MAC
MAC’S Navigation Services
how to become a MAC Member
meeting on-site partners
Family Specialist: ANNA BLAKE
Financial Literacy
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
This class will provide best practices, finance tips and collect scores.
Family Specialist: Leticia Farias
Financial Slack Series
Date/Time: Friday, November (11/15/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Learn the importance of Creating a Financial Plan. Spending vs Budgeting and Financial Needs.
Family Specialist: Yessica Carmona
Frost Bank - Budgeting & Credit
Date/Time: Wednesday, December (12/11/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Larkspur Elem. ZOOM Meeting
Frost Bank Representatives will be here to educate parents on budgeting and building credit! Take advantage of this opportunity to maximize your money in time for the Holidays.
Family Specialist: Ana de la Tejera
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/02/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date: 05/06/2025
Sessions: 9
Location: In-Person @ Jackson Middle School ZOOM Meeting
TXGRG Support Groups are free to join and a great place to connect with other grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. We also take time to discuss relevant topics to those on a grandparenting journey. Each Support Group is facilitated by a knowledgeable member of the Texas Grandparents Raising Grandchildren team! When Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren (GRG) share their personal experiences in a safe setting, they gain hope and develop supportive relationships. The experience e
Family Specialist: Zelvia Castillo
Guía de luz: estrategias de reducción de tensiones y corregulación para padres
Date/Time: Martes, April (04-08-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-08-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta sesión está diseñada para equipar a los padres,
cuidadores y educadores con herramientas efectivas y
enfoques compasivos para ayudar a los niños a atravesar
momentos difíciles. Los asistentes aprenderán sobre los
fundamentos de la desescalada, la importancia de la
corregulación en el desarrollo de la resiliencia emocional
y estrategias prácticas que se pueden implementar en
tiempo real para restaurar la calma y la comprensión. Al
centrarse en la comunicación, la empatía y la
Family Specialist:
Guía para padres sobre la reunificación familiar tras una emergencia escolar
Date/Time: Martes, December (12/03/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/03/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Como padre, garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de su
hijo durante una emergencia escolar es primordial. Únase
a nosotros para una sesión informativa diseñada para
equipar a los padres y tutores con el conocimiento y las
herramientas para navegar el proceso de reunificación
familiar con confianza y tranquilidad. Los temas clave
que se discutirán son los sistemas de notificación, una
descripción general del plan de reunificación y cómo
apoyar a su hijo durante este tiempo. Esta
Family Specialist:
Guiding Light: De-escalation and Co-regulation Strategies for Parents
Date/Time: Tuesday, April (04-08-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-08-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This session is designed to equip parents, caregivers,
and educators with effective tools and compassionate
approaches to help children navigate through
challenging moments. Attendees will learn about
the fundamentals of de-escalation, the importance
of co-regulation in building emotional resilience, and
practical strategies that can be implemented in realtime to restore calm and understanding. By focusing
on communication, empathy, and connection, this
session aims to strengthe
Family Specialist:
Harmonious Bonds: Engaging with Your Child Through Music and Fingerplays
Date/Time: Thursday, December (12/05/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/05/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Join us for an interactive and enriching workshop tailored
to parents seeking to deepen their connection with their
children through the universal language of music and
the playful art of finger plays. Led by experienced early
childhood educators, this session offers parents a unique
opportunity to learn practical techniques and strategies
to engage, entertain and bond with their little ones in
a fun and meaningful way. (This session is repeated on
Family Specialist:
Health is Life/Salud es Vida
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/12/2024) @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 12/18/2024
Sessions: 11
Location: In-Person @ Ed White Middle School/Room 1302 ZOOM Meeting
Join us for fun and interesting cooking demonstrations from our very own Family Specialist and San Antonio MetroHealth. Each demonstration will guide you and your family through a small cooking project. Learn to work together and communicate effectively while learning to make a new recipe for you and your family. This class will also provide you with presentations and information on a healthy lifestyle. This is an in-person session at Ed White Middle School every Thursday. Únase a nosotros para
Family Specialist: Lenny Leos
Healthy meal planning
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/30/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 11/20/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Wood Middle School ZOOM Meeting
Cooking classes! Come learn about realtime recipe prep, nutrition, safe food handling and more!
Family Specialist: Monica Orozco
Healthy Relationships
Date/Time: Friday, October (10/11/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Clear Spring Elementary Rm. 201 ZOOM Meeting
Ideas to share with youth about the qualities of a healthy relationship, techniques for developing and achieving safe and healthy relationships
Family Specialist: Homero Pena Jr.
HEB Holiday Shopping Showcase
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/07/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Harmony Hills Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
Representatives from HEB West Avenue and Blanco will present menus and recipes for the holidays.
Family Specialist: ANNA BLAKE
Hijos altamente capaces
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/12/2024) @ 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date: 12/12/2024
Sessions: 13
Location: In-Person @ Jackson-Keller Elementary ZOOM Meeting
Hijos Altamente Capaces es un curso de 13 semanas que fortalecerá sus habilidades de crianza. Su familia seguirá prosperando a medida que nos sumergimos semana tras semana en el aprendizaje de los componentes básicos del desarrollo saludable, esenciales para ayudar a los jóvenes a crecer sanos, afectuosos y responsables
Family Specialist: Jessica Judson
How to Raise Resilient Kids
Date/Time: Thursday, January (01-30-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-30-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This empowering session is dedicated to exploring
the essential components of resilience in children
and how caregivers can cultivate this important trait.
Through engaging discussions and real-life examples,
participants will gain insights into what resilience means
and why it’s crucial for children’s development. Discover
practical strategies and techniques that caregivers can
implement at home to foster resilience in their children,
including promoting problem-solving skills,
Family Specialist:
I’m a Head Start Policy Council Rep. Now what?!
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/03/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/03/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
This session will explore how parents’ voices and
perspectives guide decisions about the local Head
Start program. Participants will gain valuable skills and
strategies for effectively expressing their perspectives
and ensuring their voices are heard during Head Start
Policy Council meetings. Through interactive discussions,
role-playing exercises, and practical guidance, parents
will learn how to advocate for their priorities, contribute
meaningfully to decision-making processes
Family Specialist:
Increased Desired Behavior in Home Routines
Date/Time: Tuesday, October (10/01/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/01/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Wish we could see more of what we want (and less
of the hard stuff!)? Interested in creating smoother,
more efficient home routines? There is a way! Whether
you’re dealing with resistance during morning routines
or struggles with bedtime rituals, this workshop will
provide practical strategies for increasing desired
behaviors and making home life more enjoyable for
everyone. Together, we can transform everyday tasks
into opportunities for growth and connection. Join the
Family Specialist:
Introduction to Mindfulness: Helping Your Child Find Their Way to Calm
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/09/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/09/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
In this session, we’ll explore the essence of mindfulness
and its profound benefits for children. Through
enlightening discussions and practical examples,
caregivers will gain insight into how mindfulness
practices can enhance their child’s emotional regulation,
focus, and overall well-being. Discover effective
strategies and techniques to incorporate mindfulness
into daily routines at home, fostering a sense of calm
and resilience in your child’s life. Engage in hands-on
Family Specialist:
Introduction to Sewing/Introducción a la costura
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/25/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/20/2024
Sessions: 9
Location: In-Person @ Ed White Middle School/Room 1302 ZOOM Meeting
Este curso lo guiará a través de los elementos básicos de la costura, como aprender la terminología de la costura, familiarizarse con su máquina de coser, enhebrar una aguja, elegir el hilo, coser una puntada recta, coser un botón y ampliar sus habilidades de costura. Cualquier persona que participe en esta clase puede traer sus máquinas de coser personales. Este curso es ofrecida en presencial en la escuela Ed White Middle School. This course will guide you through the basics of sewing, such as
Family Specialist: Lenny Leos
Introduction to Skyward
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/03/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/024/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Krueger Middle School Rm 105 ZOOM Meeting
Have you...
-Logged into SKYWARD?
-Updated emergency contacts?
-Checked grades?
-Completed NEISD online forms?
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
KMS Informational Session
Date/Time: Thursday, August (08/08/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Be ready for your first day at Krueger MS. Join Mrs. Aldana, Family Specialist for a Krueger Presentation and Q & A session.
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
KMS Volunteers
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/03/2024) @ 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Last Session Date: 09/24/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Room 101 ZOOM Meeting
Middle School Volunteers are still needed!
Volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of our students.
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
Knowing the Process Behind Your Child’s IEP
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
There is a seven-step process to creating standardsbased Individualized Education Programs (IEP).
Participants will become more familiar with the 7-step
IEP process including data collection, present levels
of academic achievement and functional performance
(PLAAFP), goals, progress monitoring, and assessment.
Family Specialist:
Krueger October Crafting Classes
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/3/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/24/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Room 101 ZOOM Meeting
Not crafty? Let us help you find your creative side with step by step crafts.
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
Lazos armoniosos: interactuar con su hijo a través de la música y juegos con los dedos
Date/Time: Jueves, December (12/05/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/05/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Únase a nosotros en un taller interactivo y enriquecedor
diseñado para padres que buscan profundizar su
conexión con sus hijos a través del lenguaje universal de
la música y el arte lúdico de los juegos con los dedos.
Dirigida por educadores experimentados en la primera
infancia, esta sesión ofrece a los padres una oportunidad
única de aprender técnicas y estrategias prácticas para
involucrar, entretener y vincularse con sus pequeños de
una manera divertida y significativa
Family Specialist:
Least Restrictive Environment: Exploring the Continuum of Services
Date/Time: Tuesday, December (12/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Support and services for our students with Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs) look different during the
school for each person based on that individual’s
needs. Please join us for this introductory session to
the continuum of what special education may look like
for students with IEPs including who, where, and when
information. Being knowledgeable of these differences
and the special education terminology that is used
to describe supports and services will help caregivers
Family Specialist:
Let’s Play & Learn Together! Supporting Mathematical Thinking for Young Children
Date/Time: Tuesday, November (11/19/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/19/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Let’s Play and Learn Together at Home! This session is
for families with 3 to 5 years old children. Join us as we
actively learn how to incorporate mathematical thinking
through play with your child at home. Participants will
walk away with activities that support early academic
Family Specialist:
Let’s Play & Learn Together! Supporting Social and Emotional Development for Young Children
Date/Time: Tuesday, April (04-29-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-29-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This session is for families with 3 to 5 years old children.
It is dedicated to harnessing the power of play to foster
connection and skill development at home. Join us
as we actively learn how to incorporate practices that
promote social and emotional growth through play
with your child at home. Unlock the power of play and
build lasting memories while nurturing the growth and
development of our children. Participants will walk away
with activities that support early academic su
Family Specialist:
Life Reflections Book Study
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/25/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 05/14/2025
Sessions: 15
Location: In-Person @ Ridgeview ES ZOOM Meeting
Participants will participate in a group book study of a selected book that will focus on life lessons. Group discussions will be held about the book and lessons on life skills will be incorporated in these lessons.
Family Specialist: Cindy Ford
Lo que los padres deben saber sobre la inteligencia artificial
Date/Time: Martes, October (10/22/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/22/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Dondequiera que consulte las noticias y las redes
sociales, encontrará publicaciones sobre herramientas
de Inteligencia Artificial como ChatGPT, Gemini y
CoPilot. Como padre, ¿qué necesita saber acerca de
las herramientas? ¿Cómo puedes utilizarlos para tus
propios fines? ¿Qué debes saber a la hora de orientar
a tus hijos? En esta sesión revisaremos herramientas y
preguntas clave que los padres deben hacer al utilizar
herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial.
Family Specialist:
Lo que toda familia debe saber sobre el autismo
Date/Time: Jueves, September (Se repite el 11 de Febrero) (09/12/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/12/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta capacitación es una descripción general de la
identificación temprana y el apoyo a las familias de
niños en el espectro autista (ASD. por sus siglas en
inglés)) y/o familias con niños que presentan retrasos en
el desarrollo que indican diagnósticos potenciales. Los
participantes que completen con éxito este curso:
• Ser capaz de identificar signos y características de
los niños en el espectro autista.
• Obtenga conocimientos sobre los recursos y
programas recomendados para
Family Specialist:
Lo que todo padre debe saber sobre el autismo
Date/Time: Martes, February (02-11-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-11-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta capacitación es una descripción general de la
identificación temprana y el apoyo a las familias de
niños en el espectro autista (ASD. por sus siglas en
inglés)) y/o familias con niños que presentan retrasos en
el desarrollo que indican diagnósticos potenciales. Los
participantes que completen con éxito este curso:
• Ser capaz de identificar signos y características de
los niños en el espectro autista.
• Obtenga conocimientos sobre los recursos y
programas recomendados para
Family Specialist:
Los fundamentos de la educación especial para padres
Date/Time: Jueves, January (01-09-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-09-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Los participantes aprenderán información básica sobre
la educación especial, incluida la historia de las leyes
de educación especial, los tipos de discapacidades, el
proceso de admisión, revisión y despido, y los tipos de
apoyo en el aula. A los padres se les proporcionará una
descripción general de los componentes esenciales del
proceso de educación especial en las escuelas.
Family Specialist:
Mayor comportamiento deseado en las rutinas del hogar
Date/Time: Martes, October (10/1/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/1/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Ojalá pudiéramos ver más de lo que queremos (¡y
menos de las cosas difíciles!)? ¿Está interesado en
crear rutinas en el hogar más fluidas y eficientes? ¡Hay
una manera! Ya sea que esté lidiando con resistencia
durante las rutinas matutinas o con los rituales a la hora
de acostarse, este taller le brindará estrategias prácticas
para aumentar los comportamientos deseados y hacer
que la vida hogareña sea más placentera para todos.
Juntos, podemos transformar las tareas cotidianas e
Family Specialist: ESC 20 session
Mental Wellbeing
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/18/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Garner MS Library ZOOM Meeting
Join us to learn ways to help your child talk about their emotions.
Family Specialist: Monica Encina
Mi hijo no habla: Los próximos pasos y las estrategias para apoyar el desarrollo temprano del lenguaje
Date/Time: Jueves, November (11/21/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/21/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta sesión ayudará a los padres a aprender sobre
el desarrollo temprano del lenguaje y consejos de
interacción basados en investigaciones para ayudar a
sus hijos pequeños a desarrollar más habilidades de
lenguaje y pensamiento. En esta sesión los participantes:
• Aumentan el conocimiento y las habilidades
relacionadas con el desarrollo temprano del
• Exploran su papel en el fomento de un entorno que
promueva las habilidades de comunicación.
• Aprenden estrategias de c
Family Specialist:
MTSS, RTI, Alphabet Soup
Date/Time: Wednesday, November (11/13/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/13/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
MTSS & RTI, all the letters and acronyms but what do
they mean? Join us as we explore the recipe for this
alphabet soup. This course will provide an overview of
the MTSS and RTI framework. Learn more about the
tiers that make-up the framework and overall, how they
can benefit your child. If your child is receiving support
through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support or Response
to Intervention or if your child is experiencing academic
or behavioral skill gaps, then this session is for
Family Specialist:
MTSS, RTI, sopa de letras
Date/Time: Miercoles, November (11/13/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/13/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
MTSS & RTI, todas las letras y siglas pero ¿qué
significan? Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos la
receta de esta sopa de letras. Este curso proporcionará
una descripción general del marco MTSS y RTI. Obtenga
más información sobre los niveles que componen el
marco y, en general, cómo pueden beneficiar a su hijo.
Si su hijo recibe apoyo a través de sistemas de apoyo
de múltiples niveles o respuesta a la intervención o si
su hijo está experimentando lagunas en sus habilidades
Family Specialist:
My Child Doesn’t Talk: The Next Steps--A Deeper Look Into Strategies to Support Early Language Development
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/21/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/21/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This session will help parents learn about early language
development & research-based interaction tips to help
their young children to develop more language &
thinking skills. In this session learners will:
• Increase knowledge & skills related to early language
• Explore their role in fostering an environment that
promotes communication skills.
• Learn communication strategies to support
language & communication in young children. (This
session is repeated on 5/
Family Specialist:
Navegando la educación especial a través del marco legal
Date/Time: Martes, September (09/17/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/17/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Alguna vez se ha sentido un poco abrumado con todos
los procesos, procedimientos y requisitos que conlleva
tener a su hijo en la escuela? Usted no está solo. Venga
a aprender más sobre un recurso para padres que es
valioso para garantizar que los padres tengan un acceso
fácil a este tipo de información. El Marco Legal es un
tipo de recurso muy especializado. Su enfoque está en
un proceso de educación especial centrado en el niño.
Ofrece un esquema y un resumen abreviado de todos
Family Specialist:
Navegando la educación inclusiva: comprender las prácticas de apoyo
Date/Time: Jueves, March (03-20-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-20-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Llamando a todos los padres y familias a unirse a nosotros
en una sesión enriquecedora centrada en comprender y
defender prácticas de educación inclusiva. A lo largo de
nuestro tiempo juntos, profundizaremos en el corazón
de las prácticas inclusivas y su papel fundamental en la
instrucción especialmente diseñada (SDI), descubriendo
cómo estas estrategias crean oportunidades para que
los estudiantes con discapacidades prosperen junto
a sus compañeros. Desde examinar la continuidad
Family Specialist:
Navigating Inclusive Education: Understanding Supportive Practices for Parents and Families
Date/Time: Thursday, March (03-20-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-20-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Calling all parents and families to join us for an enriching
session focused on understanding and advocating
for inclusive education practices. Throughout our
time together, we’ll delve into the heart of inclusive
practices and their pivotal role in Specially Designed
Instruction (SDI), uncovering how these strategies create
opportunities for students with disabilities to thrive
alongside their peers. From examining the continuum of
services within special education to discussing
Family Specialist:
Navigating Special Education Through The Legal Framework"
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/17/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/17/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Ever feel a bit overwhelmed with all the processes,
procedures, and requirements that come along with
having your child in school? You are not alone. Come
learn more about a parent resource that is valuable
in ensuring that parents have user-friendly access to
this type of information. The Legal Framework is a
very specialized type of resource. Its focus is on a
special education process that is child centered. It
offers an outline, and a shortened summary, of all the
legal req
Family Specialist:
Neighbors Together 2024
Date/Time: Tuesday, October (10/1/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Roosevelt High School 5110 Walzem Rd San Antonio, Texas 78218 ZOOM Meeting
TR Cluster Neighbor's Together
Join us in the Roosevelt High School Courtyard and enjoy food, music, activites, games, performances, and exhibitors! Free Event!
Family Specialist: Melissa Mendiola
NetSmartz Internet Safety
Date/Time: Monday, February (02-03-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-03-2025
Sessions: 1 WITH A REPEAT ON 4/22/2025
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Learn the latest statistics, online resources, and expert
tips to educate, engage, and empower children to
be safer online and offline. Contains age appropriate
tips, thought-provoking discussions, as well as candid,
practical advice. This session will be presented by the
ChildSafe San Antonio organization.
Family Specialist:
Netsmartz Internet Safety
Date/Time: Tuesday, October (10-08-2024) @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Last Session Date: 10-08-2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Brought to you by ChildSafe, the Internet Safety curriculum is from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children aimed at providing both children and parents ways to keep children safe online.
Family Specialist: Kelly Romero
NetSmartz Internet Safety
Date/Time: Tuesday, April (04-22-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-22-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Learn the latest statistics, online resources, and expert
tips to educate, engage, and empower children to be
safer online and offline. Participants will be provided with
age appropriate tips, participate in thought-provoking
discussions, as well as receive candid, practical advice.
This session is presented by our community partner
ChildSafe San Antonio.
Family Specialist:
Noche de Padres de EB/EB Night
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/25/2024) @ 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Ed White Middle School Library ZOOM Meeting
Personalmente me gustaría invitarlos a nuestra Noche de Padres de EB. EB es para todos los estudiantes cuyo inglés es su segundo idioma. Es una noche para que conozca no solo a los maestros de su hijo, sino también al equipo de liderazgo del campus, incluidos el director, los subdirectores, los consejeros, el decano académico, el coordinador de educación especial y su especialista familiar. Esta noche es para brindarle información sobre el programa EB en el que se encuentra su estudiante y todos
Family Specialist: Lenny Leos
Not a Flash Drive
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/10/2024) @ 18:00 - 19:00
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
E-cigarette use is rising rapidly among youth. What are these products? What impact can they have on a person’s health? How are they marketing these products? Join us on Thursday, October 10th from 6:00-7:00 PM via zoom to learn the answers to these and other important questions.
Family Specialist: Jeorgina Gonzalez
November Crafting Classes
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/07/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 11/21/2024
Sessions: 3
Location: In-Person @ rm 101 ZOOM Meeting
Not crafty? Let us help you find your creative side with step by step crafts.
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
November Parenting Series
Date/Time: Wednesday, November (11/06/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 11/20/2024
Sessions: 3
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Rm 101 ZOOM Meeting
Parent webinars are designed to help you wherever you are on your parenting journey by offering research-supported child health and safety information and immediately useable tips and suggestions. Best of all, you can rest assured that the information comes from the nation's leading child health experts.
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
Nurturing Little Hands: Fine Motor Development Workshop for Families of Young Children
Date/Time: Tuesday, January (01-21-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-21-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Join us for an enriching workshop designed to empower
families in supporting the fine motor skills of their young
children. This hands-on workshop will equip families with
practical strategies and engaging activities to enhance
their children’s fine motor development while providing
take-home materials to continue the learning journey
beyond the workshop.
Family Specialist:
Nurturing Parent Program
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/12/2024) @ 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Last Session Date: 10/31/2024
Sessions: 8
Location: In-Person @ Wilshire Elementary Room 1 ZOOM Meeting
Come and learn similar knowledge and skills to improve the quality of life for you and your children.
Family Specialist: Lisa De La Rosa
Oral Language Development
Date/Time: Monday, December (12/16/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/16/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
How can parents support oral language development
in their emerging bilingual children? This informative
workshop offers parents the tools and strategies
necessary to foster their children’s linguistic growth. We
will explore the stages of oral language development in
children who are learning two languages, highlighting
important milestones and best practices to enrich their
language acquisition. (This session will be presented in
Family Specialist:
Organizando a su familia con las herramientas gratuitas de Google
Date/Time: Miercoles, February (02-19-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-19-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Calendars, Task and Keep pueden ayudarle a organizar
las actividades de su familia y sus hijos. Traiga su propio
dispositivo (y cuenta de Google) para aprender a
compartir, asignar y crear horarios y recordatorios que
funcionarán para todos los miembros de la familia.
Desde listas de verificación de compras hasta citas
compartidas, desde tareas personalizadas (que pueden
repetirse) hasta recordatorios basados en la ubicación,
descubra cómo Google puede ayudarle a organizar a
Family Specialist:
Organizing Your Family With Free Google Tools
Date/Time: Wednesday, February (02-19-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-19-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Calendars, Task and Keep can assist you in organizing
your family and children’s activities. Bring your own
device (and Google account) to learn how to share,
assign and create schedules and reminders that will
work for all family members. From shopping checklists
to shared appointments, from custom tasks (that can
repeat) to location based reminders, learn how Google
can assist you in organizing your family!
Family Specialist:
Overview of Resources Available for Parents of Students Receiving Special Education Services
Date/Time: Tuesday, January (01-28-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-28-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
In this session, parents and guardians will be introduced
to the vast variety of resources available to parents of
students receiving special education services. Whether
you’re just beginning the journey or seeking to enhance
your existing support network, this session is tailored to
equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to
navigate your child’s educational journey in the complex
landscape of special education.
Family Specialist:
Padres y maestros trabajando junto para facilitar la comunicación y la participación
Date/Time: Jueves, April (04-03-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-03-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Los padres son los mejores y más duraderos defensores
de un niño. Los padres con buenas habilidades de
comunicación pueden ser defensores aún más eficaces
de sus hijos. La forma en que los padres colaboran con
el personal de la escuela afectará en última instancia
la vida del niño más que la suya o la del personal de
la escuela. Esta sesión ofrecerá recomendaciones y
procedimientos para ayudar a aumentar la comunicación
con el personal de la escuela.
Family Specialist:
Parent Book Study
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/07/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/14/2024
Sessions: 2
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
2-Part Virtual Book Study. Discover the benefits of being positive by reading and discussing the Positive Dog by Jon Gordon. It is an inspiring story that will reveal the strategies and benefits of being positive. It will also help you develop positivity in your children.
Family Specialist: Lorraine Martinez
Parent Cafe
Date/Time: Wednesday, November (11/06/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 12/11/2024
Sessions: 5
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
A five class series starting Wednesday, November 6th with Yvette Barbosa of MCH Family Outreach.
Here are the themes and topics for the fall parent cafés:
Nov.6: Day of the dead-Looking at our relationships and communication
Nov. 13: Fall into supportive relationships
Nov. 20: Let’s be Thankful through Resilience and Knowledge
Dec. 4: Cohesive family focusing on Resilience and Communication
Dec. 11: Self-care for me and my family with knowledge and support
Family Specialist: Sandra Fernandez
Parent Cafe
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 05/15/2025
Sessions: 23
Location: In-Person @ Ridgeview Elementary ZOOM Meeting
Participants will learn various skills to enhance their existing parenting skills , reduce their stress and to help their children understand their emotions and how to become healthy , productive and successful citizens.
Family Specialist: Family Specialist
Parent Cafe ( Spanish )
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Last Session Date: 12/12/2024
Sessions: 10
Location: In-Person @ 8223 McCullough / Ridgeview ES ZOOM Meeting
Topics will be provided at each session for parents for the purpose of enhancing their parent9ng skills, affords parents with additional skills to deal with daily family challenges and provides parents with strategies to strengthen their skill level as parents as well as reduces stress .
Family Specialist: Cindy Ford / Ridgeview ES
Parent Cafés: Protective Factor--Communication
Date/Time: Thursday, December (12/12/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/12/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: In person only @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
During this session parents will be introduced and
discuss their own experience on how they have helped
their children communicate. Further expanding into the
social and emotional competence of children. Children
need to learn how to manage their emotions, express
their needs and feelings, deal with conflict, and get
along with others. When children can do these things,
our jobs as parents become less stressful. This session
is presented by community partner Rebecca Ulloa, the
Family Specialist:
Parent Cafés: Protective Factor--Knowledge
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/24/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/24/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: In person only @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
During this session parents will be introduced and
discuss knowledge of parenting and child development.
Being a great parent is part natural and part learned.
Children don’t come with a manual. Parenting is a
continuous learning process, and it’s important to
understand normal child development so that we can
have reasonable expectations for our children. This
session is presented by community partner Rebecca
Ulloa, the Early Childhood Systems Building Program
Manager at Unive
Family Specialist:
Parent Cafés: Protective Factor--Relationships
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/3/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/3/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: In person only @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Parent Café is a welcoming space for small group
conversations and connections. Meaningful interactive
discussions about healing and growth within families
are the core of the café. Parents share experiences and
strategies to help families become stronger and resilient.
During this session parents will be introduced and
discuss social connections. Parents need friends. When
parents have positive, trusted friends in the community,
they have a support system for meeting both practic
Family Specialist:
Parent Cafés: Protective Factor--Resilience
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 9/19/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: (IN PERSON ONLY) @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
During this session parents will be introduced and
discuss parental resilience. Parenting is being strong
and flexible. As parents, to deal with the stressors of
life, we need to be strong, flexible, and we need to be
able to bounce back when adversity hits. When we as
parents are psychologically and emotionally healthy, we
are better able to consider long-term solutions instead
of just reacting to every situation as it comes up. This
session is presented by community partner Reb
Family Specialist:
Parent Cafés: Protective Factor--Support
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/14/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 11/14/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: In person only @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Parent Café is a welcoming space for small group
conversations and connections. Meaningful interactive
discussions about healing and growth within families
are the core of the café. Parents share experiences and
strategies to help families become stronger and resilient.
During this session parents will be introduced and
discuss concrete support in times of need. Everybody
needs help sometimes, and families that can get help
when they need it are able to stay strong and healthy.
Family Specialist:
Parent Field Trip Morgan's MAC Multi-Assistance Center
Date/Time: Friday, September (09/27/2024) @ 9:15 AM - 1:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Transportation Provided from Roosevelt HS ZOOM Meeting
Morgan's Multi-Assistance Center (MAC) is a center that improves the lives of individuals with disabilities and special needs through comprehensive and coordinated services. Morgan's MAC's services use a family-centered approach with full collaboration from the family, MAC Member, and community partners known as MACers (pronounced "MACK-ers").
Family Specialist: Melissa Mendiola
Parent Participation in the REED Process: From REED to Evaluation
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/07/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/07/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This professional development session focuses on
the crucial role of parents in the special education
process, particularly in the context of the Review
of Existing Evaluation Data (REED). The session will
explore the legal requirements and best practices for
parent involvement in the REED process, aiming to
foster effective collaboration between educators and
families and build parent advocacy skills. (This session is
repeated on 3/18/25.)
Family Specialist:
Parent Participation in the REED Process: From REED to Evaluation
Date/Time: Tuesday, March (03-18-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-18-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This professional development session focuses on the
crucial role of parents in the special education process,
particularly in the context of the Review of Existing
Evaluation Data (REED). The session will explore
the legal requirements and best practices for parent
involvement in the REED process, aiming to foster
effective collaboration between educators and families
and build parent advocacy skills.
Family Specialist:
Parent School Orientation
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/18/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 09/18/2024
Sessions: 2
Location: In-Person @ Ridgeview Library ZOOM Meeting
This presentation will provide parents with basic information on school policies , educational opportunities available for students and parents and resources that will help your student succeed in school.
Family Specialist: Cindy Ford
Parenting a child with a DIFFERENT ability
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 10:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Woodstone Elementary School
5602 Fountainwood San Antonio, TX 78233 ZOOM Meeting
Are you a parent of a student in an Early Childhood Special Education program or
in an Alternative Learning Environment program?
Meet other parents who share a similar journey.
Learn about monthly parent trainings and how your school can best support your child and family.
Understand how Transitional Teachers can help with resources.
Family Specialist: Maribel Lacey
Parenting Series
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/2/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/23/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Rm 101 ZOOM Meeting
Various Parenting Topics Presented
Session 1: Back to School for Quirky Kids
Session 2: Scale Back on Sugar: Tips for Choosing Healthy Drinks for Your Kids
Session 3: 5 Steps to Raising an Organized Child
Session 4 Screen Smart Parenting
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
Parenting With Purpose: A Series on Conscious Discipline for Families, Part I
Date/Time: Thursday, January (01-16-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-16-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This 4-part series is designed to equip parents with
the tools and insights needed to create harmonious
and nurturing relationships with their children through
the principles of Conscious Discipline. Rooted in the
latest research in neuroscience and child development,
Conscious Discipline offers parents practical tools and
strategies for fostering loving, respectful relationships
with their children while promoting emotional
intelligence, self-regulation, and resilience.Join us
Family Specialist:
Parenting With Purpose: A Series on Conscious Discipline for Families, Part II
Date/Time: Thursday, February (02-27-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-27-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This 4-part series is designed to empower parents with
the tools and insights needed to create harmonious
and nurturing relationships with their children through
the principles of Conscious Discipline. Rooted in the
latest research in neuroscience and child development,
Conscious Discipline offers parents practical tools and
strategies for fostering loving, respectful relationships
with their children while promoting emotional
intelligence, self-regulation, and resilience.Join us
Family Specialist:
Parenting With Purpose: A Series on Conscious Discipline for Families, Part III
Date/Time: Thursday, April (04-24-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-24-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This 4-part series is designed to empower parents with
the tools and insights needed to create harmonious
and nurturing relationships with their children through
the principles of Conscious Discipline. Rooted in the
latest research in neuroscience and child development,
Conscious Discipline offers parents practical tools and
strategies for fostering loving, respectful relationships
with their children while promoting emotional
intelligence, self-regulation, and resilience.Join us
Family Specialist:
Parents Working with Teachers: Facilitating Communication & Involvement
Date/Time: Thursday, April (04-03-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-03-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Parents are a child’s best and longest lasting advocates.
Parents with good communication skills can be even
more effective advocates for their children. How parents
collaborate with school staff will ultimately affect the
child’s life more than it will affect yours or that of the
school staff. This session will offer recommendations
and procedures to help increase communication with
school staff.
Family Specialist:
Participación de los padres en el proceso REED: de REED a la evaluación
Date/Time: Jueves, November (11/07/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 11/07/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta sesión de desarrollo profesional se centra en el
papel crucial de los padres en el proceso de educación
especial, particularmente en el contexto de la Revisión
de datos de evaluación existentes (REED). La sesión
explorará los requisitos legales y las mejores prácticas
para la participación de los padres en el proceso REED,
con el objetivo de fomentar la colaboración efectiva
entre educadores y familias y desarrollar habilidades de
defensa de los padres.
Family Specialist:
Participación de los padres en el proceso REED: de REED a la evaluación
Date/Time: Martes, March (03-18-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-18-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Esta sesión de desarrollo profesional se centra en el
papel crucial de los padres en el proceso de educación
especial, particularmente en el contexto de la Revisión
de datos de evaluación existentes (REED). La sesión
explorará los requisitos legales y las mejores prácticas
para la participación de los padres en el proceso REED,
con el objetivo de fomentar la colaboración efectiva
entre educadores y familias y desarrollar habilidades de
defensa de los padres.
Family Specialist:
Permission to Feel - Book Study
Date/Time: Tuesday, October (10/1/2024) @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Last Session Date: 10/29/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
We will discuss emotions and learn how to use them wisely to help children and ourselves succeed. Space is limited so register in advance to get your book reserved.
Family Specialist: Leticia Farias
Play and Learn Program| Programa de Juego y Aprendizaje
Date/Time: Friday, September (10/03/2024) @ 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Last Session Date: 11/21/2024
Sessions: 8
Location: In-Person @ Pre-K Academy at West Avenue ZOOM Meeting
Families will attend workshops to learn about developmental milestones and how to integrate science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) at home. Participants receive children's books, take-home activities, and materials to use at home at each session.
Las familias asistirán a talleres para aprender sobre los hitos del desarrollo y cómo integrar la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería, las artes y las matemáticas (STEAM) en el hogar. Los participantes reciben libros para niñ@s, act
Family Specialist: Enedelia Gomez
Positive Behavior Supports in the Home
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/26/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/26/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Parenting can sometimes feel like navigating a maze
of behaviors, from the wonderful to the challenging.
This workshop is ideal for parents, caregivers, and
anyone interested in promoting positive behaviors and
strengthening family relationships in the home. This
session provides tools and strategies that enable and
empower the family to clearly define, confidently teach,
and consistently support their behavior expectations.
Join us as we embark on a journey to create a positive
Family Specialist:
Positive Discipline Strategies
Date/Time: Monday, November (11/11/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Parenting is a rewarding journey, but it can also be challenging and stressful at times. One effective way to alleviate the stress of parenting is by equipping yourself with practical strategies to encourage positive behaviors in your child. In this training, participants will learn a foundational strategy for supporting their child's emotional development.
Family Specialist: Ramon Ramirez
Positive Parenting Classes for Teens
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/04/2024) @ 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Last Session Date: 09/25/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Tex Hill MS ZOOM Meeting
Join us to learn the best tips and ideas to help you bring out the best in your children, to help them be resilient, confident, and with the self-discipline to succeed. Learn the best ways to positively manage the behavior you don’t like and encourage their positive behavior.
Family Specialist: Ruby Morris
PPP Parenting Series
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/25/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/23/2024
Sessions: 5
Location: In-Person @ Larkspur Elem / Portable 49 ZOOM Meeting
This course will be offered in Spanish
*Dealing with Disobedience
*Managing Fighting & Aggression
*Developing Good Bedtime Routines
*Hassle-Free Mealtimes w/ Children
*Hassle-Free Shopping w/ Children
Family Specialist: Ana de la Tejera
Preparación universitaria, profesional y militar: resumen general para padres
Date/Time: Martes, january (01-14-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-14-2025
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Preparar a su hijo para sus proyectos futuros requiere
planificación y toma de decisiones informadas. Esta
sesión está diseñada para brindarles a los padres una
descripción general de los caminos disponibles para
sus hijos después de la escuela secundaria, incluida la
preparación universitaria, profesional y militar. Al explorar
los beneficios, requisitos y resultados potenciales de
cada camino, los padres obtendrán información valiosa
para apoyar las metas postsecundarias de sus
Family Specialist:
Pursue the Promise of Tuition Free College
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/14/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join the NEISD Family Engagement Department for a virtual, informational session on Promise programs provided by Alamo Colleges, UTSA, and Texas A&M San Antonio. Each program makes college more accessible to graduating seniors by eliminating financial barriers, making a college degree a reality. Participants will learn more about eligibility, steps, deadlines and more for each program.
Family Specialist: Roxana Gutierrez-Garcia
Raising Highly Capable Kids
Date/Time: Monday, September (09/09/2024) @ 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date: 12/08/2024
Sessions: 13
Location: In-Person @ Jackson-Keller Elementary ZOOM Meeting
Raising Highly Capable Kids is a 13 week course that will empower your parenting skills. Your family will continue to thrive as we dive in week after week learning about the building blocks of healthy development essential to helping young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
Family Specialist: Jessica Judson
Raising Strong Readers
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/11/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join us for this virtual session and learn about the Science of Reading Instruction and how families can help build a strong foundation in reading and writing even before teaching kids about letters and sounds. We will focus on life experiences, background knowledge, oral language development and more!
Family Specialist: Roxana Gutierrez-Garcia
Resource Presentation
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/23/2024) @ 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join us to Learn how to find resources in your community for food, clothing, housing & more.
Únase a nosotros para aprender cómo encontrar recursos en su comunidad para alimentos, ropa, vivienda y más.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Miércoles 23 de octubre de 2024
6:00-6:30 p.m. Spanish presentation
6:30-7:00 p.m. English Presentation
Family Specialist: Ruby Morris
Resumen de recursos disponibles para padres de estudiantes que reciben servicios de educación especia
Date/Time: Martes, January (01-28-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-28-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
En esta sesión, se presentará a los padres y tutores la
amplia variedad de recursos disponibles para los padres
de estudiantes que reciben servicios de educación
especial. Ya sea que recién esté comenzando el viaje o
esté buscando mejorar su red de apoyo existente, esta
sesión está diseñada para brindarle el conocimiento y las
herramientas necesarias para navegar el viaje educativo
de su hijo en el complejo panorama de la educación
Family Specialist:
Rhyming and Alliteration with Sesame Workshop Resources
Date/Time: Tuesday, March (03-25-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-25-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Caregivers will learn simple learning activities to help
build the children’s rhyming and alliteration skills. This
will be a hand on and lecture session. The resources on
Sesame Workshop foster the development of academic
and social skills through fun and engaging activities.
This free bilingual resource addresses topics such
as social emotional learning, traumatic experiences,
exploring emotions, learning through play, and more. This session is pres
Family Specialist:
Rimas y aliteraciones con los recursos de Sesame Workshop
Date/Time: Jueves, March (03-25-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-25-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Los cuidadores aprenderán actividades de aprendizaje
sencillas para ayudar a desarrollar las habilidades de
rima y aliteración de los niños. Esta será una sesión
práctica y de conferencias. Los recursos de Sesame
Workshop fomentan el desarrollo de habilidades
académicas y sociales a través de actividades divertidas
y atractivas. Este recurso bilingüe gratuito aborda temas
como el aprendizaje socioemocional, experiencias
traumáticas, exploración de emociones, aprendizaje a
Family Specialist:
Screen Time Good or Bad? YES!
Date/Time: Monday, October (10/21/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
In this engaging and thought-provoking session, participants will explore the concept of screen time and its impact on their child's daily life. This course will guide participants through a reflective process on their child's screen time usage, helping them understand the benefits and potential risks of media consumption.
Family Specialist: Ramon Ramirez
Seguridad en Internet de NetSmartz
Date/Time: Lunes, February (02-03-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-03-2025
Sessions: Se repite el 22 de abril)
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Conozca las últimas estadísticas, recursos en línea y
consejos de expertos para educar, involucrar y capacitar
a los niños para que estén más seguros en línea y fuera
de línea. Contiene consejos apropiados para la edad,
debates que invitan a la reflexión, así como consejos
prácticos y sinceros. Esta sesión será presentada por la
organización ChildSafe San Antonio.
Family Specialist:
Seguridad en Internet NetSmartz
Date/Time: Martes, April (04-22-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-22-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Conozca las últimas estadísticas, recursos en línea y
consejos de expertos para educar, involucrar y capacitar
a los niños para que estén más seguros en línea y fuera
de línea. Los participantes recibirán consejos apropiados
para su edad, participarán en debates que invitan a la
reflexión y recibirán consejos prácticos y sinceros. Esta
sesión es presentada por nuestro socio comunitario
ChildSafe San Antonio.
Family Specialist:
Self Determination: A Vital Skill to Prepare for Post-School Success
Date/Time: Tuesday, December (12/17/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/17/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
In this session, we will explore strategies for navigating
disability awareness, equipping participants with the
knowledge and tools to embrace their abilities while
navigating challenges. Through engaging discussions
and practical insights, attendees will gain valuable
perspectives on understanding self-determination to
overcome barriers, advocate for themselves, and thrive
in various aspects of life. Whether you are navigating
your own journey or supporting someone else, this
Family Specialist:
Self love for teens
Date/Time: Friday, November (11/08/2024) @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Wood MS ZOOM Meeting
Come learn tips and tricks to promote self love with your teen at home.
Family Specialist: Monica Orozco
Seminario Triple P 1: Criando Adolescentes Responsables
Date/Time: Jueves, April (04-15-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date: 04-15-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Los profesionales presentan a los padres los seis
elementos clave para que los adolescentes se vuelvan
responsables e ideas específicas sobre cómo enseñar y
fomentar cada una de las siguientes habilidades:
• Participar en la toma de decisiones familiares.
• Ser respetuoso y considerado.
• Involucrarse en actividades familiares.
• Desarrollar un estilo de vida saludable.
• Ser confiable.
• Siendo asertivo.
Esta sesión será impartida por nuestro socio comunitario
SA Metropolitan Hea
Family Specialist:
Social Media for Parents Series
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/04/2024) @ 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/25/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Krueger Middle School rm 101 ZOOM Meeting
Families will learn about the different types of media platforms available to our children.
Family Specialist: Leticia Aldana
Soy representante del Consejo de Políticas de Head Start. ¡¿Y ahora qué?!
Date/Time: Martes, September (09/03/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/03/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
Esta sesión explorará cómo las voces y perspectivas de
los padres guían las decisiones sobre el programa Head
Start local. Los participantes obtendrán habilidades
y estrategias valiosas para expresar eficazmente
sus perspectivas y garantizar que sus voces sean
escuchadas durante las reuniones del Consejo de
Políticas de Head Start. A través de debates interactivos,
ejercicios de juego de roles y orientación práctica, los
padres aprenderán cómo defender sus prioridades,
Family Specialist:
Spanish for Beginners
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/19/2024) @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Last Session Date: 05/8/2025
Sessions: 28
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join us weekly via Zoom to learn basic Spanish language fundamentals, words, and phrases that will be useful in conversation. No experience speaking Spanish is required! Practice outside of sessions is strongly encouraged. No session on October 31.
Family Specialist: Kelly Romero
Special Education Informationa Session
Date/Time: Friday, September (09/13/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10;30
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Serna Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
Information on State Waiver Lists, Agency Connections, Funding/Public Benefits and Planning for life after high school all which is essential information for parents.
Family Specialist: Leticia Farias
STAAR Supports: Unraveling Accessibility for Parents
Date/Time: Friday, February (02-07-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-07-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Are you ready to embark on an adventure exploring
STAAR Supports? Join us for a thrilling virtual journey
where families will uncover the secrets to maximizing
accessibility for all students in classroom instruction
and State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
(STAAR®). In this session, participants will navigate
through a series of activities designed to familiarize them
with key guidance documents from the Texas Education
Agency (TEA). Prepare to decipher core component
Family Specialist:
Stop the Stigma of Asking for Help
Date/Time: Thursday, November (11/07/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join Ellie Mental Health, Gloria Mendez, MS, LPC-S, CGP, CCTP-II where she will discuss how life is hard and getting help shouldn't be. Let's explore the stigma of mental health and why it's so hard to ask for help.
Family Specialist: Melissa Castillo-Cerda
Stressors That Affect The Child
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/12/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join Ellie Mental Health, Gloria Mendez, MS, LPC-S, CGP, CCTP-II where she will discuss how being a student is more than learning to read and write. She will talk about all the things that stress out our students and strategies we can use to help them succeed in life.
Family Specialist: Melissa Castillo-Cerda
Supporting Parents in the IEP Process
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/24/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/24/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Are you a parent navigating the educational journey of a
child with special needs? Understanding the intricacies
of the ARD (Admission, Review, and Dismissal) process
and the procedural safeguards in place is crucial for
ensuring your child receives the appropriate education
and support they deserve. Join us for an informative
and empowering parent training session designed
to demystify the ARD process and empower you with
the resources available to help protect your student’s
Family Specialist:
Supporting Your Child’s Learning With Technology Resources for Dyslexia
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/30/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/30/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
The research is definitive regarding technology and
instruction for students with dyslexia. When students
have access to technology, their overall performance
improves. Technology tools allow students with dyslexia
to be equal participants in school-based learning
experiences. Technology is not to take the place of
direct and explicit instruction but when technology is
successfully integrated we can build students up and
allow them to work at their capability. This session
Family Specialist:
Taller De Formar Un Plan de Negocios
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/3/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 10/10/2024
Sessions: 2
Location: In-Person @ Walzem Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
¿Alguna vez has considerado iniciar tu propio negocio? ¿Tienes una gran idea de negocio, pero no sabes cómo conseguir financiación para ella? Si la respuesta es sí, este es el taller para ti! Únase a este taller de dos días donde aprenderá a redactar un plan de negocios, incluido cómo calcular costos e ingresos potenciales. Este taller será facilitado por la organización sin fines de lucro, Empower House.
Family Specialist: Nelly Alvarez
Tasty Creations Cooking Class
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/05/2024) @ 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Last Session Date: 12/05/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ 12634 El Sendero ZOOM Meeting
Create delicious dishes in interactive cooking sessions // Crea platos deliciosos en sesiones de cocina interactivas.
Family Specialist: Cecilia Canales
Tendencias adolescentes peligrosas
Date/Time: Jueves, March (03-27-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-27-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
En el mundo actual, los padres de adolescentes deben estar
informados sobre las peligrosas tendencias adolescentes
que pueden afectar significativamente su bienestar. La
sesión tendrá como objetivo brindar a los padres información
sobre los riesgos predominantes, incluido el vapeo, el abuso
de fentanilo, la trata de personas, los peligros de las redes
sociales, así como los hábitos alimentarios y de sueño. Al
comprender estas tendencias y sus implicaciones, los padres
pueden prep
Family Specialist:
Testing Support for your Child
Date/Time: Monday, September (09-09-2024) @ 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 0
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Did you know that NEISD students in Grade 3-8 and High School students enrolled in End-of-Course (EOC) subject courses take the State Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) online? In spring 2025, Emergent Bilingual (EB) students will also take the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) online assessments. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has STAAR and TELPAS online tutorials and practice tests to help students prepare for these assessments.
NEISD Testing Services has
Family Specialist: Beverly Lebherz
Texas Grandparent Raising Grandchildren
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/03/2024) @ 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Last Session Date: 11/05/2024
Sessions: 3
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Roosevelt High School
5110 Walzem Rd
San Antonio, Texas 78218 ZOOM Meeting
TXGRG Support Groups are free to join and a great place to connect with other grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. We also take time to discuss relevant topics to those on a grandparenting journey. Each Support Group is facilitated by a knowledgeable member of the Texas Grandparents Raising Grandchildren team!
Family Specialist: Melissa Mendiola
Texas Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Date/Time: Friday, September (09/20/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date: 05/09/2025
Sessions: 7
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Texas Grandparents Raising Grandchildren is an organization who provides information and resources to grandparents and kinship caregivers who are raising their grandchildren or relatives. They raise awareness and provide education on local community programs. Join this monthly support group and learn with other grandparents.
Family Specialist: Maribel Lacey
The 7 Habits of Happy Kids Virtual Parent Workshop
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/19/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Come and learn more about Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Happy Kids. You will learn how to incorporate the 7 Habits at home and how our teachers are incorporating the 7 habits in the classrooms. Learn from other parents and have rich discussions on how to help your children develop Leadership Skills. We hope you will join us.
Family Specialist: Mayra Martinez
The Art of Parenting
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/26/2024) @ 13:00 - 14:30
Last Session Date: 12/19/2024
Sessions: 3
Location: In-Person @ 12634 El Sendero ZOOM Meeting
Ignite your creativity in our parent art class! Explore diverse mediums, express yourself, and embark on a vibrant creative journey together. // ¡Enciende tu creatividad en nuestra clase de arte para padres! Explore diversos medios, exprésese y embarquen juntos en un vibrante viaje creativo.
Family Specialist: Cecilia Canales
The Art of Planning Backwards to Move Forward
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/09/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Sometimes you have to plan backwards to move forwards and get things done effectively. In this revelatory talk with Sarah Ward, you will learn that good executive function in our children is far more than the product and output of executive skills. Sarah shares the Get Ready*Do*Done* Method, an invaluable questioning system that engages a child's executive planning skills and relationship with time for all parts of their life, not just homework. Utilizing the power of our non-verbal working memo
Family Specialist: Roxana Gutierrez-Garcia
The Basics of Special Education for Parents
Date/Time: Thursday, January (01-09-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-09-2025
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Participants will learn basic information about special
education including the history of special education laws,
types of disabilities, the Admission Review and Dismissal
process, and types of classroom support. Parents will be
provided with an overview of the essential components
of the Special Education Process in schools.
Family Specialist:
The Dangers of Social Media
Date/Time: Friday, September (09/13/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Clear Spring Elementary Rm. 201 ZOOM Meeting
An in-depth look at current social media trends and how they can escalate substance use and abuse among adolescents.
Family Specialist: Homero Pena Jr.
The Importance of Creating Routines
Date/Time: Monday, September (09/16/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
In this interactive session, participants will explore the significance of establishing routines in daily life, especially within educational and developmental settings. This course will delve into the benefits of consistent routines and how they contribute to a structured and productive environment.
Family Specialist: Ramon E. Ramirez
Toilet Training Strategies
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208 ZOOM Meeting
This training will focus on multiple toilet training
strategies that will be dependent on your child’s
strengths and needs. You will learn how to set up the
environment, awareness of sensory challenges and
strategies and how to positively reinforce your child. At
the end of this training, you will receive a toolbox with
visual aids and toilet training sensory tools. The class
focus is on individuals with autism but these strategies
are helpful to all children. The session is pres
Family Specialist:
Toilet Training Strategies
Date/Time: Thursday, January (01-23-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 01-23-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This training will focus on multiple toilet training
strategies that will be dependent on your child’s
strengths and needs. You will learn how to set up the
environment, awareness of sensory challenges and
strategies and how to positively reinforce your child. At
the end of this training, you will receive a toolbox with
visual aids and toilet training sensory tools. The class
focus is on individuals with autism but these strategies
are helpful to all children. The session is pres
Family Specialist:
TR Cluster Crochet Group
Date/Time: Tuesday, September (09/03/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 12/17/2024
Sessions: 8
Location: In-Person @ Roosevelt High School
5110 Walzem Rd
San Antonio, Texas 78218 ZOOM Meeting
Discuss Parenting Topics that impact your family and share experiences while learning the art of crochet. TR Parent Crochet Group is a place where parents can learn to crochet, share tips, and build community. Crochet will help you learn to focus your mind, reduce stress, and increase serotonin levels. Learn a skill to take home and share with your children and family resulting in strong family bonds, open lines of communization, and hours of fun. All supplies provided and light refreshments
Family Specialist: Melissa Mendiola
TR Cluster Parent Field Trip
Date/Time: Friday, October (10/25/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person @ Transportation Provided Roosevelt High School 5110 Walzem Rd. San Antonio, Texas ZOOM Meeting
Parents will join together to travel to Natural Bridge Caverns located at 26495 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd. San Antonio Texas. At this Parent ONLY Field Trip, parents will experience breathtaking views around every corner. The Discovery Tour is a journey through the chambers first discovered at Natural Bridge Caverns. Informed tour guides will walk you through the cavern with educational stops along the way. These awe inspiring and spectacular natural formations, including soda straws, flowston
Family Specialist: Melissa Mendiola and Landy Rodriguez
Transición 101
Date/Time: Martes, October (10/29/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/29/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
¿Listo para preparar a su adolescente para una mayor
educación, empleo y vida independiente? Esta sesión
brindará una comprensión de cómo el IEP apoya a los
estudiantes con discapacidades en su transición de la
escuela a la vida post-escolar. Ya sea padre, educador o
proveedor de servicios, esta información será invaluable
para garantizar una transición sin problemas para los
estudiantes con diversas necesidades.
Family Specialist:
Transition 101
Date/Time: Tuesday, October (10/29/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/29/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Ready to prepare your adolescent for further education,
employment, and independent living? This session
will provide an understanding of how the IEP supports
students with disabilities as they transition from school
to post-school life. Whether you’re a parent, educator,
or service provider, this information will be invaluable in
ensuring a smooth transition for students with diverse
Family Specialist:
Triple P Adolescente
Date/Time: Monday, September (09/16/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Last Session Date: 10/07/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Churchill High School ZOOM Meeting
Una serie de discusiones en grupo de los problemas mas comunes en los adolescentes. Las discusiones en grupo estan diseñadas para proveer una vision general de los principios de una crianza positiva para cualquier padre que este interesado.
Family Specialist: Jeorgina Gonzalez
TRIPLE P Positive Parenting CLASS
Date/Time: Thursday, October (10/10/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/31/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: In-Person @ Harmony Hills elementary, Room 12 ZOOM Meeting
October 10, 2024 – Session 1: Getting Teenagers to Cooperate
October 17, 2024 – Session 2: Coping with Teenagers’ Emotions
October 24, 2024 – Session 3: Building Teenagers’ Survival Skills
October 31, 2024 – Session 4: Reducing Family Conflict
Family Specialist: ANNA BLAKE
Triple P Seminar 1: Raising Responsible Teenagers
Date/Time: Tuesday, April (04-15-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Last Session Date: 04-15-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Practitioners introduce parents to the six key elements
of teenagers becoming responsible and specific ideas
about how to teach and encourage each of the following
• Taking part in family decision-making.
• Being respectful and considerate.
• Getting involved in family activities.
• Developing a healthy lifestyle.
• Being reliable.
• Being assertive.
This session will be delivered by our community partner
SA Metropolitan Health District.
Family Specialist:
Triple P Teen Series
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/09/2024) @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Last Session Date: 10/30/2024
Sessions: 4
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Come learn parenting strategies on how to impact your teenagers behavior and development. The dicussion groups are designed to provide an overview of positive parenting principles for all parents. Parents will be discussing the folloing topics: Getting Teenagers to Cooperate, Coping with Teenagers Emotions, Building Teenagers Survival Skills and Reducing Family Conflict. We hope you can join us!
Family Specialist: Mayra Martinez
Triple P® - Raising Confident, Competent Children
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/18/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Camelot Elementary ZOOM Meeting
In this session, you'll learn how to empower your child(ren) to become confident and successful both in school and beyond. You'll discover effective ways to encourage respect and consideration, foster strong communication skills, and guide them toward becoming independent problem-solvers. The session will be led by Lissette Cantu from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District. Please contact Landy Rodriguez, Camelot Family Specialist, if you have any questions at 210.407.1435 or lrodri8@neisd
Family Specialist: LandyRodriguez
Triple P® - Raising Resilient Children
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/11/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Camelot Elementary ZOOM Meeting
In this session, you'll discover effective ways to help your child manage their emotions during moments of disappointment and stress. You’ll learn strategies to teach them how to recognize both positive and negative emotions and handle them in a healthy manner. The session will be led by Lissette Cantu from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District. Please contact Landy Rodriguez, Camelot Family Specialist, if you have any questions at 210.407.1435 or This session is offere
Family Specialist: LandyRodriguez
Triple P® - The Power of Positive Parenting
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/04/2024) @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: In-Person,Virtual @ Camelot Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
Ever wondered, "Why does my child do that?" This seminar is designed to help you uncover the reasons behind your child's behavior. You'll gain valuable insights and practical strategies to guide your child toward positive actions, so you can see more of the behavior you want and less of what you don't. The session will be led by Lissette Cantu from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.Please contact Landy Rodriguez, Camelot Family Specialist, if you have any questions at 210.407.1435
Family Specialist: LandyRodriguez
Understanding Autism
Date/Time: Tuesday, March (03-04-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 03-04-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This class introduces the Any Baby Can program and the
series of courses that the Autism Program Offers. The
Parent will learn how to recognize the most common
areas of the Autism Spectrum diagnosis. Also, they will
be able to understand how to best support their child by
utilizing the community model. Parents are taught what
the next steps are to take care of their child. The session
is presented by our community partner the Any Baby
Can San Antonio organization.
Family Specialist:
Understanding MAP Testing
Date/Time: Wednesday, September (09/11/2024) @ 9:00 - 11:00
Last Session Date: 09/12/2024
Sessions: 2
Location: In-Person @ Harmony Hills Elementary, Room 12 ZOOM Meeting
Let’s learn how MAP growth works and what it measures. Find out how MAP growth supports student learning —and how you can help maximize your child’s potential.
Family Specialist: Anna Blake
UTSA present College 101: Promoting a College Going Culture
Date/Time: Wednesday, October (10/2/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Workshop, “National research has indicated parent involvement as a strong predictor of student success. Empowering parents to action through knowledge will further enable parents to have a positive impact on their child’s future. What can you do to help promote a college going culture for your children in elementary, middle and high school that will encourage them to reach higher? What do other families do to encourage this? Discuss this topic to learn some practical ideas and share your own ide
Family Specialist: Jessica Judson
Walk for Wellness
Date/Time: Monday, September (09/09/2024) @ 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Last Session Date: 05/08/2025
Sessions: 30
Location: In-Person @ Wilshire Elementary School ZOOM Meeting
Come and walk your stress away. Walk to a 45 minute video and stretch for 15 minutes. Walk at your own pace inside in the air condition. Have fun, laugh, meet new friends, and get healthy together.
Family Specialist: Lisa De La Rosa
What Every Family Should Know About Autism
Date/Time: Thursday, September (09/12/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 09/12/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This training is an overview of Early Identification and
Supporting Families of children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) and/or families with children who exhibit
Developmental Delays indicating potential diagnoses.
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
• Be able to identify signs and characteristics of
children with ASD.
• Gain knowledge of recommended resources and
programs for caregiver and individual support to
increase quality of life. (This session is
Family Specialist:
What Every Parent Should Know About Autism
Date/Time: Tuesday, February (02-11-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-11-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This training is an overview of Early Identification and
Supporting Families of children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) and/or families with children who exhibit
Developmental Delays indicating potential diagnoses.
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
• Be able to identify signs and characteristics of
children with ASD.
• Gain knowledge of recommended resources and
programs for caregiver and individual support to
increase quality of life. (This session is
Family Specialist:
What is Gifted and Talented? Demystifying the Identification Process
Date/Time: Thursday, February (02-25-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-25-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
What exactly does it mean to be in Gifted and Talented
Services in Texas? You may be surprised to know
that many of the students who benefit the most from
services have not been identified. In this session, we will
explore what Gifted Services are in Texas and what the
identification process can look like in your child’s school.
We will also talk about ways to communicate with your
child’s campus for equitable identification.
Family Specialist:
What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Why It Matters
Date/Time: Thursday, April (04-10-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 04-10-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
This engaging workshop is tailored to parents and
caregivers seeking to understand the pivotal role of
social-emotional learning (SEL) in their children’s lives.
Delve into the core principles of SEL through insightful
discussions and relatable examples, discovering its
profound impact on your child’s emotional intelligence
and overall well-being. Learn practical strategies and
activities to integrate SEL seamlessly into your home
environment, empowering you to nurture resilience
Family Specialist:
What Parents Should Know About Artificial Intelligence
Date/Time: Tuesday, October (10/22/2024) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 10/22/2024
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
Everywhere you turn in the news and social media,
there are posts about Artificial Intelligence tools such
as ChatGPT, Gemini and CoPilot. As a parent, what do
you need to understand about the tools? How can you
utilize them for your own purposes? What should you
know when guiding your children? In this session we’ll
review key tools and questions to ask as a parent when
utilizing Artificial Intelligence tools.
Family Specialist:
When to Talk and When to Listen--It Takes two to Make a “Conversation” go Right!
Date/Time: Tuesday, February (02-18-2025) @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Last Session Date: 02-18-2025
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ Education Service Center, Region 20
Frederick E. Maples, Jr. Conference Center, Building 6
1314 Hines Ave., San Antonio, TX 78208" ZOOM Meeting
In the intricate dance of parenting, finding the right
balance between talking and listening is crucial for
fostering effective communication and building
meaningful connections with our children. Come explore
the delicate art of knowing when to speak and when to
lend an attentive ear, creating a nurturing environment
where both parent and child feel heard and understood.
Practical strategies and insightful tips will be shared
that empower parents to navigate conversations with
Family Specialist:
Zoom Presentacion: Conciencia Sobre El Fentanilo
Date/Time: Wednesday, December (12/04/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Clase educativa acerca del Fentanilo:
-¿Qué es el fentanilo? Prevención del uso de sustancias en la juventud. Unidos para apoyar a la comunidad educativa, aprendiendo a identificar los peligros del uso, promoción y distribución de sustancias. Identificar Códigos que se usan en mensajes de textos y redes sociales para vender, ofrecer e invitar a los jóvenes al consumo de sustancias ilegales. -¿ Cómo puedo identificar una sobre dosis y salvar una vida ?
Breve explicación de los diferentes tipos
Family Specialist: Sabrina Lara
Zoom Presentation: One Pill Can Kill
Date/Time: Wednesday, December (12/11/2024) @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Last Session Date:
Sessions: 1
Location: Virtual @ ZOOM Meeting
Join this zoom presentation to gain knowledge and ask question. Sheriff Javier Salazar is hosting a fentanyl awareness campaign to help educate the public on the dangers of what this deadly drug can do to you and your loved ones.
Family Specialist: Sabrina Lara