Adult Programs & Career Training
The mission of adult education and literacy is to ensure that all adults who live in Texas have the skills necessary to function effectively in their personal and family lives, in the work place, and in the community.
About Our Program
NEISD Adult Education offers FREE English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for students 19 years and older, as well as high school equivalency (HSE) (aka GED) preparation classes in English and in Spanish for students 16 years and older. We also partner with NEISD Community Education to offer Career Training classes that lead to workforce certifications. Scholarships are available to those students who qualify.
Texas Workforce Commission
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) sponsors NEISD Adult Education. Together, we offer ESL classes that prepare you for career progression. Classes are free. You must come to class twice a week for the whole semester and take a progress test when required.
We have a newsletter!
Read the 1st Edition of the Ferrari Newsletter #1
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(210) 356-7551
adulted@neisd.netFerrari Learning Center
107 W. Rampart
San Antonio, TX 78216