Parent Asthma Awareness Education
Mission Statement: The Asthma Awareness Education Program will address the needs of students and staff by creating asthma-friendly environments and by providing educational resources for the students and staff on asthma disease management. Program goals include increasing student/staff productivity and attendance; which benefit stakeholders with increased student performance, lower healthcare costs, and decreased absenteeism. Healthier children learn better.
4 Components to Achieve Asthma ControlGoal: Preventing Asthma Episodes and Controlling Your Asthma
For people with asthma, having an asthma management plan is the best way to prevent symptoms. An asthma management plan is something developed by you and your doctor to help you control your asthma, instead of your asthma controlling you. An effective plan should allow you to:
- Be active without having asthma symptoms. (Reliever inhaler use no more than twice per week for symptoms)
- Fully take part in desired exercise and sports – don’t settle for a sport with minimal exertion/running
- Sleep all night, without asthma symptoms. (Night-time cough no more than twice per month)
- Attend school or work regularly – normal school and work attendance as someone without asthma
- Have the clearest lungs possible. (Normal -or “near normal”- pulmonary function)
- Have few or no side effects from asthma medications. (Three or less quick reliever canisters refilled each year).
- Have no emergency visits or stays in the hospital.
- Asthma is a completely controllable disease. If you are not maintaining control, talk to your doctor.
Take the MY ASTHMA CONTROL ASSESSMENT from the American Lung Association
Rules of Two: When is quick relief for asthma NOT ENOUGH? link Do you....... if you answer yes to any, talk to your doctor
Creating Asthma-Friendly Environments for NEISD Students
Improving the quality of life of the child with asthma involves everyone in the child's life - the child, parents/guardians, physicians, and schools - campus nurse, teachers, and administrators - working together.
- Children of age should take action to help manage their asthma. AIMS program for 4th and 5th graders (contact your campus nurse)
- Parents/guardians must understand the definition of asthma control, recognize symptoms, seek proper medical diagnosis and treatment, and manage triggers in the home.
- Physician must be informed of students' level of control to prescribe proper meidcation regimen (parents/guardians and campus nurse work together to insure coordiantion of care).
- Schools (campus nurse, teachers, and administrators) should facilitate asthma friendly practices; treatment modalities, provide education to staff on asthma and its symptoms, and strive to remove asthma triggers from the school indoor environment.
Working together, WE can achieve asthma control for the life of the child with asthma. Our commitment to classroom indoor air quality and asthma management & education results in higher student productivity and attendance; which benefit the district with increased student performance and more importantly, it reduces the burden of uncontrolled asthma on NEISD families.
Your child's campus nurse is an advocate for your child with asthma to have a normal quality of life. Please make sure your campus nurse is aware that your child has asthma or any history of asthma.
American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology: Feb 2021 Study on mask use during COVID 19 PandemicAsthma Allergy Network: Why face masks are Criticial for People with Asthma and Allergy during the COVID 19 Pandemic
Find A Campus Nurse
Each NEISD campus has one Registered Nurse (RN). Additionally, Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs) and Clinic Assistants (CAs), supervised by the RN, are at designated campuses. Look up your campus nurse.
NEISD Reecognition
2013 EPA National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management
2010 Model of Sustained Excellence Award
2009 National Mentorship Award
2008 National Excellence Award
2008 Special Achievement Award: Asthma Program
2007 Leadership AwardAmerican Lung Association's (ALA)
Eighteen NEISD schools were awarded the National GOLD Recognition "Asthma Friendly Schools Initative"
Asthma Forms & Resources
American Lung Association Self-Carry, Self-Administer Assessment Tool
(online assessment tool) to determine if your student is ready to self carry
Asthma Action Plan
This form is critical in addressing onset of symptoms quickly and efficiently. Asthma control can change quickly- everyone needs to be on the same page (home and school)
Asthma Parent Information Self Carry Inhaler
Information on the process for students with asthma to self-carry per Texas Law
How to avoid the September Asthma Peak
Asthma flares requiring a hospital or ER visit tend to spike in early-to-mid September. Why does it happen? How to be proactive and preventive to avoid a flare?
NEISD Authorization to Self-Carry and Student Agreement
This form is required for students to self carry inhaler on campus.
Parent handout of Self-Carry Assessment Tool
Self Carry is the Law: is your 5th grade child ready to self carry?
Community Initiatives
The SA Kids BREATHE (SAKB) program is a free city program whose primary goal is to improve the quality of the lives of children with asthma by teaching them and their family best practices to control their asthma. The SAKB program will help keep kids out of the hospital, keep kids in school, keep parents at work, and save families and healthcare systems money.