Learning Environment: Dimension 3.2

Dimension 3.2 Managing Student Behavior:

The teacher establishes, communicates and maintains clear expectations for student behavior.

Clarifying Statement:

This dimension focuses on how teachers establish, communicate and maintain clear expectations for student behavior during classroom instruction. One of the teacher's most important responsibilities is managing the classroom effectively, as it has a significant impact on student performance. Teachers with effective classroom management and management of student conduct create an atmosphere that positively enhances learning, as there are no distractions for students. Research consistently shows that the relationship between the teachers and students plays a significant role in classroom and student behavior management, and those teachers that have a high quality, respectful relationship with their students have fewer classroom problems.

Standards Basis:

Standards Basis: 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D

Possible Sources of Evidence:

  • Conferences and Conversations with the Teacher
  • Formal Observations/ Walkthroughs
  • Classroom Artifacts
  • Analysis of Student Data

  • T-TESS Alignment to Practice

  • Key Questions


  • Consistently monitors behavior subtly, reinforces positive behaviors appropriately and intercepts misbehavior fluidly.
  • Students and the teacher create, adopt and maintain classroom behavior standards.


  • Consistently implements the campus and/or classroom behavior system proficiently.
  • Most students meet expected classroom behavior standards.


  • Inconsistently implements the campus and/or classroom behavior system.
  • Student failure to meet expected classroom behavior standards interrupts learning.

Improvement Needed

  • Rarely or unfairly enforces campus or classroom behavior standards.
  • Student behavior impedes learning in the classroom.
Student-Centered Actions
Teacher-Center Actions