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When her student came back


Mabel getting honored by her student

Seeing a child succeed means everything to El Dorado Elementary School teacher Mabel Nigaglioni.

Her purpose as a teacher came full circle recently when Jacob, one of her former first grade Dual Language students, stopped by El Dorado to ask her to be his honoree at the MacArthur High School Summa Cum Laude ceremony.

“For me it is a proud honor that Jacob chose me as the teacher who inspired him to continue in the Dual Language program and excel in his school performance,” said Mabel. “I remember all the effort and dedication he showed to learn Spanish when he only spoke English. Today he is fluent in both languages. I have no doubt that he will continue to be successful and achieve all his goals.”

Summa ceremonies honor the incredible accomplishments of students like Jacob who are graduating from high school with grade point averages above 100. These young men and women mastered every academic test we placed before them and exceeded the highest standards, but they wouldn’t be here without the teachers who inspired them.

“My passion is teaching, motivating, developing and providing a solid foundation for my students so that their dreams and goals become reality,” said Mabel. “Seeing them succeed is my greatest fulfillment.”

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